Class Home Work.

Q1. What is yezierska’s Initial impression of America? How does she compare it too her life in Russia.

Answer: Her impression was great about America. She realize that America was a land of living hope, woven of dreams a flame with longing and desire .She though that her life will be better then her previous life in Russia.  She always thought that America is a land of opportunity so that she can make her dream fulfill here and could be lead a better life here. Overall she feels lucky because he has a chance to be in America.

Q2. What does she aspire to do when she first arrives in America? What must she do first?

Answer: she thought that she reach in the golden land of flowing opportunity and she will be successful on her dream. She was very well ambition about her future and will make everything happen what she couldn’t able t make happen in Russia. As a new immigrant the first thing she have to do is that make arrangement of his food and house for living. But for that she have to pry and for that she need a job too.

Q3. Do you think “Americanized Family” treats her family? Why or why not?

Answer: No. that “Americanize family” didn’t treat her as their family. They always threat her as a servant. And they didn’t pay her because of that she is new and she doesn’t speak English. She work from early morning to till late night but didn’t pay her.

Q4. What was the best part of her second job on Delaney Street? Why did she end up losing it?

Answer: I think the best part of her second job was that it prepared her to be trained worker in a regular factory. She ended up losing her second job because she wanted evenings to herself. For that she quite that job.

Q5. What kind of work does anzia prefer to do? What is stopping her?

Answer: she always think that happiness is the only by working at what she love. She want to do something with her head and with her feelings. But one of her main problem is her language barrier. She was unable to express what she want to say. She was trying hard to make that happen. She was trying hard to learn English very quickly.

Q6. Do you agree with the authors argument that immigrant should receive free room and board?

Answer: yes I agree with author’s argument that immigrants should receive free room and board when they come to America. This is because immigrants work really hard for such low wage to support themselves. As a new immigrants its really are to find anything to find a new job or new place to live. I a criminal can get all those facilities than why not an immigrants can’t get that. They are not doing anything wrong or anything harmful for this county.

Q7. What lessons she learn from the pilgrims? How did this knowledge transform her idea of what it takes to succeed in America? Do you agree with her assessment?

Answer: Anzia learned that the pilgrims and she were a bit similar. Basically the concept in pilgrim is to make America, build America and create own world of liberty. I am agree with her assessment. Yes she was really trying to build herself as a successful in this country and those concept can transform with her dream.

Q8. How does the author utilize the concepts of “hunger” and “appetite” to bring other her thesis?

Answer: As an article I read in by that hunger and appetite are two different things Hunger is the physical need for food whereas appetite is the desire for food. Hunger occurs with low levels of glucose in your blood, several hours after eating – it is protective mechanism that ensures your body is adequately fueled. Appetite is the conditioned response to food- it is sensory reaction to the look or smell of food. It is appetite that can lead “your eyes to be bigger than your stomach” the author utilizes the concepts of hunger and appetite to bring out her thesis by putting hunger as her lowest.

Invisible Man- Summery

The prologue to invisible man by Ralph Ellison the author addresses the person of feeling invisible . without giving a name, the narrator introduces himself as a man , not a ghost , describing the nature of him invisibility. People refuse to see thim. He is invisible by virtue of how others react him. They do not accept his reality and thus live as thouh they do not see him. Invisible beats up another man  because of being bumped into . He choose  the life underground , although he call himself as a invisible Person. But he likes to lives on the light because it’s remind him that he is alive . Ultimately the character claims he never really felt alive he become invisible.

How does tobacco use affect the human body?

The effects of smoking are serious. It can harm nearly every organ of the body. It causes nearly one of every five deaths in the United States each year. No matter how you smoke it, tobacco is dangerous for your body as well as your health and affects your entire body. Tobacco smoke is enormously harmful for our health. There is no safe way to smoke. Replacing your cigarette with cigar, pipe or hookah won’t help you avoid the health risks associated with tobacco product. Nicotine, the drug that makes tobacco addictive, goes to your brain very quickly. Nicotine makes you feel good when you are smoking, but it can make you anxious, nervous, moody, and depressed after you smoke.

Doo Wop to Hip Hop: The Bittersweet Odyssey of African Americans in the South Bronx

In the essay “From Doo Wop to Hip Hop: The Bittersweet Odyssey of African Americans
in the South Bronx” by Mark Naison discusses how a subculture shifts in the South Bronx
through a cultural movement, Hip Hop. Naision uses Chantel’s “Maybe” to demonstrate how
the 1950’s were like. The expression of Hip Hop showed that times were decent and that there
was no struggle in the community of the Bronx. As time shifts towards the 1970’s, the Bronx
becomes a social decay and everything reforms. Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five’s “The
Message” conveys his frustration how there is not anymore prosperity in the community.
Nasion argues that Hip Hop’s rise does not have a happy ending because it does not help the
fractured neighborhoods and does not change the condition in the projects.

Despite Key Setbacks, Bloomberg Plan Has Made New York Greener

“Despite Setbacks, Bloomberg Plan Has Made New York Greener” by Courtney Gross isAbout how green former President Bill Clinton and Mayor Michael Bloomberg has gotten. The Examples are Clinton bought a hybrid, Bloomberg painted the roof his Upper East Side townhouse white, they both pushed for sustainable building. The themes are the disappointments, the successes, and Moving 2.0 of Bloomberg’s plan to make New York greener. The three themes are three stage of his up and down outcome of making New York Greener. The first theme disappointment shows that the plan was working out when it began. The second theme was the next stage where his plans is getting good results after some setbacks. The third theme was about the next version of PlaNYC which the first version didn’t work out and in the new version was third and last stage of Bloomberg’s plans. The article shows that Bloomberg has to take some time before his plans can produced good results

Cave of Forgotten Dreams- Summery

“Cave of Forgotten Dreams” is a documentary film by Werner Herzog about the Chauvet Cave in southern France, which contains the oldest human-painted images yet discovered. Some of them were crafted as much as 32,000 years ago. In southern France, about 400 miles from Paris, the limestone cave contains a wealth of early paintings, perhaps from as long ago as 32,000 years. Here, amid gleaming stalactites and stalagmites and a carpet of animal bones, beautiful images of horses gallop on walls alongside bison and a ghostly menagerie of cave lions, cave bears and woolly mammoths. Multiple red palm prints of an early artist adorn one wall, as if to announce the birth of the first auteur. Surely there were other, previous artists those who first picked up a bit of charcoal, say, and scraped it on a stone but the Chauvet paintings are among the earliest known. Following an air current coming from the cliff, they dug and crawled their way into the cave, which had been sealed tight for some 20,000 years. The film consists of images from inside the cave as well as of interviews with various scientists and historians. The film also includes footage of the nearby Pont d’Arc natural bridge

Summary of Five Minds for the Future

In the essay, ‘Five Minds for the Future’ by Howard Gardner concerns himself with the kinds of minds that people will need if we are to thrive in the world during the eras to come. Also, in the inter-connected world in which the majority of human beings now live we need to identify the kinds of minds that should be developed in the future for the greater good of our society as a whole. The Five Minds for the Future identified by Gardner refer to five characteristics (The Disciplined Mind, The Synthesizing Mind, The Creating Mind, The Respectful Mind and The Ethical Mind) of the mind that Gardner suggests each person should aim to develop. While each person will not be able to develop them all in equal measure, we should aim to develop aspects of them all for the balance of mind needed for the future. Each mind has been important historically, but will become even more crucial in the future. With these minds, a person will be well equipped to deal with what is expected, as well as what cannot be anticipated, in the future. While without these minds, a person will be at the mercy of forces that he or she can’t understand, let alone control.

Summary of the bittersweet odyssey of African-Americans in the south bronx

In the essay “From Doo Wop to Hip Hop: The Bittersweet Odyssey of African Americans in the South Bronx” by Mark Naison discusses how a subculture shifts in the South Bronx through a cultural movement, Hip Hop. Naision uses Chantel’s “Maybe” to demonstrate how the 1950’s were like. The expression of Hip Hop showed that times were decent and that there was no struggle in the community of the Bronx. As time shifts towards the 1970’s, the Bronx becomes a social decay and everything reforms. Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five’s “The Message” conveys his frustration how there is not anymore prosperity in the community. Nasion argues that Hip Hop’s rise does not have a happy ending because it does not help the fractured neighborhoods and does not change the condition in the projects.

Personal Narrative Essay (final) : Finding a New House

Moving from one place to another place is really annoying. I had this experienced annoyance in the last few weeks while trying to move from my neighborhood to my new one. One of the big problems was finding a new house in the new area. That was the biggest challenge for me. I had been living on the other side of the city, which is quite far from my college and workplace. This was the main reason for moving from that place. I was trying to move anywhere enough to my college and work. I found a neighborhood in Coney Island, Brooklyn, which is close to my college and work place. However my biggest challenge was to find a suitable house in that location despite the difficulties of locating the right neighborhood and a building, which I can make my dream apartment.

I feel that it is more difficult than find a good neighborhood. I was wondering a suitable house for me so that I can live peacefully and I can able to pay full attention to my education. But that was not that easy to find a house like that what I want. I went to too many places and too many people to get information about where I could found a house like that. However like other good neighborhoods it was really difficult to get a house like that. I spent nearly two weeks for looking and sometimes I was become too frustrated to search because I wasn’t finding any houses what way in this neighborhood. I searched online, met with the house owners, and met with the brokers so that I could acquire the lease. Finally I got a house in that neighborhood but moving into a new place can be expensive, concerning a security deposit, which is equal to one month’s rent. The only consolation is you get it back when you move out, maybe. It’s funny how landlords find a way to hold onto some or all of the deposit, but look at it from their perspective.

Moving from one place to another place has never been easy for me. In tense of getting settled within a new place and find a house that that is suitable and best for me. This time I am moving to a new place that is close to my work and college. In order to maintain my time and schedule I decided to move a new place where I can save time and maintain my schedule. I got a place that is near to my work and college which is in Coney Island Avenue. This neighborhood is really wonderful. People are so cooperative and everything is nice and clean. It was really difficult for me to find a new house in my new location. It is really so difficult to find a house that has what I really need to live.

I was really so happy when got a new house in my new neighborhood. The day I signed the contract with my new landlord was so charming and I was so excited. It’s not that I had gotten my house already but also that I was so happy to have the great opportunity to start my life in new my neighborhood. Finally I am in now in my new place. This place is really nice. I have decorated my apartment well so that I can feel relaxed at home. Thought my window I can see a nice view of the garden and lots of light always plays around in my apartment, which I like most. Now that I am in my new place, I can manage and maintain my time and my schedule properly.

Moving from one place to another place has always been an adventure for me. I really like to get to know everything around and also willing to meet new people. Sometimes it’s really hard to find a place that I like to live and a house that is suitable for me. This time I learn so many things that I can found a new house quickly. While finding a new house I was bit frustrated, however gaining new experience and working with new people was always fun for me. Finally I am happy, and I have started living peacefully in my new place.