Final Presentation

My presentation covers my internship experience at a non-profit organization. This experience has been a real eye-opener for me. I was able to get a good grasp of what it’s like working in the real world as a graphic designer rather than just learning from a classroom. I learned valuable skills such as communication, time management, and working with others. As an associate, I felt I delivered creative designs that not only helped the company but helped me improve my skills as a designer. I have set goals and I am expected to accomplish them.

Self Evaluation

Over the semester, I’ve learned a lot about working at my non-profit internship. I delivered creative and impactful designs that aligned with my director’s expectations. My project deliveries included designing business assets such as folder covers, business envelopes, desktop wallpapers, etc. I was also assigned to work with their social media. Specifically with their Instagram. These social media posts revolved around topics they were trying to cover each week. My creative skills were put to the test. They were tested using Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) and explored other tools such as Canva. Canva was easily accessible, through the company’s own Canva account. 

I’m proud of the work I’ve done but I do recognize areas where I can improve. My time management can be improved. I spend too much time when it comes to the brainstorming phase and then in the later stages when I’m trying to perfect every little detail. These habits can be managed better to meet tighter deadlines. I do aim to strengthen my skills in other areas of design such as motion graphics and video editing. That way I can expand the services I can provide to future employers/ clients. 

I do have several goals in mind for improvement. These goals consist of working on more projects that involve motion design and video editing to add more elements to my projects. Have a system for project management to have a steady workflow and ensure timely delivery. Improve my communication skills when it comes to working on projects with a client for a clear design output. 

Moving forward, I aim to balance creativity with efficiency while continuing to embrace innovation in the design field.

Red Check Mark Over Black Box. By Tara Winstead, Jun 16, 2021, Pexels
<> accessed Dec. 3, 2024

Ethics in Design 1A

My director has given me two projects to work on. These two projects consisted of designing a business envelope and a two-pocket folder. In “A Client’s Guide to Design” they mentioned how a design brief is a written explanation for the designer. Both of these projects were given specific instructions and also the organization’s brand guidelines. The guidelines given to me showcased their logos, merch mockups, and written guidelines. Their guidelines have specific fonts, they’ve used, colors with their hex codes, and dimensions for their social media posts. Our director made it very clear to not only me but to the entire department, that we adhere to these guidelines when working on anything to do with creative for their organization. That way we don’t end up with legal issues against the organization or use of copyright from other organizations.

My two projects consisted of my work with illustration in Adobe Illustrator. When it comes to illustration, it’s important to make sure your work is not only visually appealing but also communicative with your audience. In “Use of Illustration” it mentions how communication helps to send out messages when working with an illustration. My illustrations were of design. I made sure to have my designs represent the company in a professional way rather than a casual way. According to my director, the organization wanted a minimalistic view when it came to designing their work.


  • “A Client’s Guide to Design: How to Get the Most Out of the Process” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.
  • “Guide to Copyright” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.
  • “Use of Illustration” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.

Onboarding Process

Landing the internship was a smooth process. I got my internship through Professor Nicolaou. She was able to assist me by providing me with the chairman’s contact info. I sent my resume, cover letter, and portfolio site to the chairmen’s email.

My employer got in contact with me through text message and we scheduled the onboarding meeting through Microsoft Teams. My employer briefly interviewed me over the phone and wanted me onboard with the organization.

The onboard meeting was simple enough. It was me and other employees from different departments getting ready to be on board with the company. The meeting consisted of us setting up our own work emails with Microsoft Teams. Our employer guided us on how Microsoft Teams operates and how we operate with the software. I was able to get set up with Microsoft Teams and get in touch with my Art Director.  The meeting went well and I was set up with organization.

Team Meeting Online Conference Call. Freepik, 2021, Accessed 2 Nov. 2024.



Ethics in Design 2B

Shepard Fairey could have avoided this entire situation had he asked for permission to use the photograph in his “Hope” poster. He could have even given credit to the Associated Press for the use of the photo in legal documentation. When it comes to copyright laws, it’s better to use your images/design to avoid any legal problems down the line. Otherwise, you’ll have your reputation tarnished and have to deal with legal fees. Fairy made it even worse himself when he decided to tamper with evidence and tried to cover his own mistakes. Fairy knew he was in the wrong he said he was “ashamed” of what he had done.

The Associated Press had every right to call out Fairy for copyright infringement. It was a fair case. Even though Fairy argued that the Associated Press imagery was under fair use. He still used their image without any credit given to them. This is an important example of how not to deal with copyrighted materials when it comes to design. You can easily get wrapped up in legal trouble if you don’t use your materials.


  • “Case Study on Fair Use and Fair Dealing: The Hope Poster Litigation” Fisher, W. (2012). PDF. Cambridge; Harvard Journal of Law and Technology.
  • “Guide to Copyright” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.
  • Kennedy, R. (2012, September 7). Shepard Fairey is fined and sentenced to probation in ‘hope’ poster case. The New York Times.

Ethics in Design 2A

As any other designer would, before starting a project, I would find inspiration. This would be looking at images from Google and using the app Pinterest. When getting my inspiration, I try not to let my work look like a copy of my inspiration. In the past, I haven’t deliberately copied another designer’s work and claimed it as my own.

If I were to copy another designer’s work, I would give them credit. It would be ethical. When giving credit to another designer, I would add their logo or tag them in any documentation. If possible, I would get their permission or get the license to use their artwork in my project.


  • “Use of Photography” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.
  • “Guide to Copyright” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.
  • “Use of Illustration” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.

Ethics in Design 1B

My organization did not have me sign any non-disclosure agreement. The only forms I’ve signed are policies from the organization. These policies are to maintain the rules of the organization. The policies are also to be signed for them to pass. It’s an agreement on everybody’s behalf to have the policies passed. Whether or not, I were to receive a non-disclosure agreement form, I would still uphold the ethics of a graphic designer. That being to not share any work-in-progress designs with the outside and share private information about the organization’s plans. In “A Client’s Guide to Design” it mentions how a graphic designer is to maintain the principles of integrity. That being said I do act professionally when talking with my colleagues and superiors.  I would maintain a professional image with the public and not do anything that would hinder the organization’s reputation. 


  • “A Client’s Guide to Design: How to Get the Most Out of the Process” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.
  • “Guide to Copyright” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.
  • “Use of Photography” AIGA. (2001). PDF. New York City; Richard GrefĂ©, AIGA.

Workplace Event

My first workplace event was attending my company’s board of directors meeting. The meeting was to show the inner workings of how the company manages its future plans. This meeting had the board of directors and all departments come together to showcase new policies and campaigns. Along with the policies, there were also new company officers being recruited and pledged. The meeting was through Microsoft Teams call and employees were encouraged to register for the meeting.

During the call, only the board of directors was allowed to talk verbally. The rest of the employees were muted but were allowed to chat through text and send out emojis. New policies and campaigns were discussed during the meeting. Appearntly they had discussed about these plans before in private and now are confirming it in front of the rest of the company. The board of directors is to vote on which plans they should move forward with. The chairman also discussed how in the future vice presidents of the company are to go through votes by the employees and board of directors. The company would run almost like a democracy, allowing the employees to have a say on who can take the vice president position.

The last hour of the call had new company officers joining the company. These new officers are to turn on their cameras and microphone to do their pledge. They are also to be sworn into the company by pledging their mission to help the company and its employees. Their job is to ensure the employees are comfortable in the company and to report anything to the HR Department if anything were to come up within the workplace. They are to ensure the culture is positive and employees are heard when any wrongdoings occur in the company.

I was able to see the inner workings of the company. The company gave me full transparency on how they operate. I learned quite a bit about how the board of directors communicates with each other when it comes to presenting plans in front of the entire company.

Shvets, Anna. People on a Video Call. Pexels, 14 May 2020, Accessed 3 Nov. 2024.