Sample of a Written Assignment

My Personal Leadership Analysis


My Personal Leadership Analysis

Elina Duran RN

New York City College of Technology

Leadership 3110 Section D505


Professor Paradiso

My Personal Leadership Analysis


 As the semester progressed, I have learned leadership skills and concepts indeed capable to build and embrace my career as a nurse. Some appreciated concepts covered are known as integrity or withholding truth, appreciation of ambiguity, appreciation of diversity, accounting for multiple perspectives, discovery of potential, quest for knowledge, experience and reflective learning, nurturing the intellectual and emotional self and finally, improving of self or selfcare.  These concepts had helped to find the inner leader within me and has shaped envision in my nursing path. In the nursing field, leadership is a key principle since it adds to increase quality patient care. As I go along, I want to become a transformational leader characterized as “passionate, risk taker, genuine, visionary and a relationship builder” (Young, 2015). Some of the leadership qualities I will discuss, I aim to build on and pursuit throughout my experience as a nurse. While advancing this personal leadership analysis, I will discuss in detail each of the nine-concept mention above needed as a transformational leader and course of action to take to enhanced in the leadership nursing career path.



Nursing is the most trusted profession. Therefore, honesty and strong moral integrity deserves deepest consideration.  Integrity is known as the quality to be honest and fair. Nurse most hold trust placed in their careers. A nurse that has integrity strives for excellence in patient care and serve as a guidance within the healthcare team. The quality of care provided for nurses to patients throughout shifts says tremendously who we are as a person. This integrity exhibited in the eyes of your coworkers, patients and family members give people a sight of your character as a nurse and accentuate all the reason why you are an extraordinary nurse. Having high degree of integrity in your nursing career and day to day brings the ability to know correct and honest choices to be considered. As we moved along with integrity, patient can consider the true of who we are as nurses and trust for care can improved. Integrity is imperative for the care and mind, body and soul healing of patients. I can be a better nurse while I have integrity. I strive to be the nurse you can be relied upon.


Appreciation of Ambiguity


Role ambiguity is known “as a lack of clarity or no certainty within one’s position or role” (Kalkman, 2017).   Learning to function comfortably amid the ambiguity of the environment is one of leadership goals I want to utilize to strengthen as a transformational leader. In addition, I want to feel capable to appreciate ambiguity as I take risk while engaging in the process of trying, falling and learning from experiences and as I encounter complex critical care situations. As nurses, we must be aware of the term “ambiguity” and most seek understanding within a conversation with preceptors or nursing knowledge. Furthermore, there is high intense of ambiguity when time of conflict or suffering occurs. As nurses, we must adjust and function comfortably when complex critical situations arrives. New nurses may experience ambiguity as starting new jobs or as floating floors as charge nurses. Nurses are up to challenges every day, from learning new protocols, to encounter new patient’s cases at times where comfortability may be minimal. Therefore, I want to build a nurse within myself that learns and study about “ambiguity” with the purpose to function comfortably in a complex situation to improve patient safety.

  Appreciation of Diversity


               Diversity embrace recognizing, respecting and accepting each human being as unique within differences as gender, religion, race, socio economic status, sexual preference, culture, political beliefs and other principles. “Appreciation of diversity takes place as the exploration of differences are done in a safe, respectful and sustenance environment. Diversity is to celebrate and embrace the amount of diversity within everyone” (Banister & Winfrey, 2014).   As a transformational leader, I must be culturally aware of diverse patient coming to my care and my health care team. Leaders should respect any cultural preferences within patients, coworkers, family members and individuals to build a healthy relationship and nurture environment.


From my personal perspective, I believe the leader who opens to be culturally aware avoids barriers as caring for patients which increase quality of care. In addition, patients open to build a trusted relationship with nurses as cultures and beliefs are respected.  As a leader, I look forward to build upon appreciation of diversity as I moved along my career path. Every individual deserves to be culturally respected while carrying own traditions, believes and ideologies. This opens to an excellent nurse to patient relationship and builds on becoming a culturally aware nurse. The appreciation of diversity in all aspects as religion, sexual orientation, race, gender, the dissenting voice, generational and differences of every sets will mark my path as a transformational leader. I consider patients’ improve quality of care as my duty, thus culturally awareness is one of my goals I want to build upon.

Accounting for Multiple Perspectives


Accounting for multiple perspective is a creation and holding of a space with the purpose of taking in consideration multiple perspectives before decisions are carried out. Whether you work in hospitals, long term care centers, community care or clinics, multiple perspective from health team are taking in consideration for the best patient care. As nurses, care plans are done after deliberate nursing judgments and assessment is implemented. However, other nurses’ perspective about patients’ condition or care as well as doctor’s perspective are considered as we go along to build nursing care plans. As a transformational leader, I believe teamwork is based on accounting multiple perspectives about patient care from every member of the health care team. Although encouraging teamwork may be challenging, it is to be improve in health care setting. “Nurse leaders are critical to the development of high-performing teams” (Manges, Cawiezell & Ward, 2016).


As part of a working team, I believe knowing my thoughts and facts been heard by my supervisor or leader ultimately make me feel appreciated and accountable. Thus, I believe if becoming this type of leader not only will give my team what I expect and strive from a leader, but also, will help in the development of a high preforming team. Having every voice heard, every thought shared and every member actively participating in the care of patient brings highly patient outcomes as “nurse leaders are essential to maximize clinical teams’ performance” (Manges et al., 2016). Furthermore, nursing teamwork may have positive transformational power on patient outcomes. As I go along my leadership nursing path, I want to build on teamwork and appreciate team’s types of perspectives to bring the best patient outcome.

                                              Discovery of Potential


The ability to search for and find the potential within self can be difficult at times. As discussed in class and from personal experience, discovery of nursing career potential may had been discovered from pinpoint or comment done from mentors or leaders. Every so often, as a new nurse, is hard to find potential within self since often compared of own evidence-based practice with experienced nurses decline our thoughts on maximum potential. As I started my journey in nursing field, I felt occasionally other nurses had more potential than me due to more years of experience or more working hours. However, as per one day, my nurse leader approached me and congratulated me on handling a code blue in an outstanding way along with the team. This is where I realized I am full of potential and I appreciated my nurse leader for taking her time to acknowledge such an exceptional work performance. Leader who mentors new nurses and recognizes potential in their work is appreciated by nurses.  As I become a transformational leader, I want to be able to recognize my own potential and team health care potential to be able to growth within the organization along with the growth of my team.


Quest for Knowledge


                Creating a constant state of learning for the self, as well as an organization enriches quality of care. Leaders should be accountable of knowing protocols to follows, preventive methods, updated evidence practice, updated certifications within special area and continues education by joining conferences or enriched classes. Nursing is a lifelong career learning path. From nursing foundation, basic nurse skills are learned to practice. As we go along in our career, amount of learning is always achieved. Some nurses are specialized to work in Med Surg units. However, if transitioning to the OR unit, much more learning experienced will take place. Orientation is provided to learn different aspect of nursing. Besides of specialized units, updated evidence-based practice most be introduce to nursing practice. Leaders most lead health teamwork in quest of knowledge to improve patient quality of care. As a transformational leader, I will join conferences, get certified and continue my education to bring to my patients and my team the best evidence-based nursing practice.


                                                           Reflective Learning


Reflective learning comes along with experience. Not long ago, reflective learning

has been identify as “a mechanism of building experiences up to a mirror with regard to examine them from different perspective as reflective practice assists to probe what prevails” (Brockbank, Mcgill & Beech, 2017).  As we progress through the nursing field, we can learn from experiences and utilized them to look for solutions on coming situations.   Reflective learning allows nurses to think critically and allow previous experiences to judge upcoming ones thus bringing new strategies to the learning progress.  Furthermore, as a recent graduate, I will bring my previous experiences as reflective learning to prepare me to plan in the future. As a transformational leader, I will be open to learn from my previous experiences to growth and make wise evidence-based practice decision upon arrival along with my health care team. In general, I believe is important for nurses and leaders to reflect on their experiences with respect to outgrowth moments and acknowledge their success. I believe I can one day utilize reflective learning to improve my future decision thus becoming a better nurse or leader.

            Nurturing the Intellectual and Emotional Self


              Periodically increasing self-knowledge of the world and the acquisition of emotional self are key to become a successful leader. Nurse leader should be constantly increasing knowledge by keeping in touch with peer review journals, research studies, and evidence-based practice guidance. Emotional self is close related on how we can deal or cope with stressful environments that as nurses we encounter.  Some strategies I am looking forwards to include in my daily life to promote emotional health are yoga, exercise, listening to jazz music and rewarding myself with a massage after work. This activity mentioned above help in reducing stress and increases chances of positive coping. As a transformational leader, I want to encourage the health care team to include activates or hobbies to reduce stress thus increasing emotional health as well as encouraging self- knowledge actualization by reviewing evidence-based practice remarkably.




By keeping commitment to oneself, creation of a balance in life that regenerates and renews spirit and body are important as it brings the opportunity of continuing grow.  In times, for a nurse is difficult to think about self-care due to the rhythm of workload being already stressful. After a passionate care done for patients, self-care is often forgotten.  Furthermore, self-care for nurses is essential for the wellbeing of themselves and patients. The best care can be provided if nurses are at their maximal wellbeing to appropriately care for others.


As a nurse student, I learned how self-care activities from the begging of the nursing path can positively impact my life. Some strategies I implemented to ease stressful moments were having a walk in the park by myself while meditating, listening to my favorite music, getting plenty hours of sleep, eating good breakfast, no skipping any meal, drinking 8 ounces of water 8 times a day and finally enjoying having  fun times as watching tv or going on a date with a family member or friends. As I go along in my practice, I am planning to keep adherence to these activities for self-care as well as implementing them as a leader in the future. Also, as a leader, I will plant the seed of selfcare within the health care team.




To conclude, my personal leadership analysis has provided me the main values to become the transformational leader I had dreamed to become. Gratefulness and gratitude towards the acquisition of valuable concepts about leadership throughout the semester is my sincere experienced that will shape me and endures my endeavors as a nurse. Now, I know that qualities that identifies a good leader are integrity, appreciation of diversity, ambiguity, accounting for multiple perspectives, discovering my potential, furthering my quest for knowledge, reflecting knowledge , nurturing my emotional self, and last but not least, implementing self or self-care. As I plan to make a positive impact in the nursing field as a nurse and transformational leader, I will adhere to these concepts now and in the future as I open more doors to growth within an organization.



Banister, G., & Winfrey, M. E. (2014). Enhancing Diversity in Nursing. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration42(3), 176–181.


Brockbank, A., Mcgill, I., & Beech, N. (2017). Reflective Learning in Practice. Reflective Learning in Practice, 18–28.


Patricia K. Young (2015). Developing a Portrait of a Nursing Education Leader. Nursing Education Perspectives32(2), 136–137.


Kalkman, B. (2017). Concept analysis: Role ambiguity in senior nursing students. Nursing Forum53(2), 232–240.



Manges, K., Scott-Cawiezell, J., & Ward, M. M. (2016). Maximizing Team Performance: The Critical Role of the Nurse Leader. Nursing Forum52(1), 21–29.