Exposed Patient C.S. 30 years old male, L/I to a Panorex.
Patient was given a referral for impacted Maxillary 3rd molars, as well as a radiolucent lesion inferior to root canal therapy on #30:
Exposed Patient N.S., 26 years old, Caucasian Female. L/I with localized II. Exposed 4 Bite-wings. 3rd molars & #’s 5, 12, 21 & 28 have been extracted:
Referral was given for suspicious carious lesion on #18 distal:
A.T., 25 year old Indian Male, H/II. Patient has never had dental treatment in his life. Below photos before and after scaling/root planing:
EK, 29 year old Caucasian Male:
No significant medical history, no medications, no allergies. Patient is a non-smoker, non-drinker.
Initial visit: Patient is a Heavy/Perio Type II, with radiographic evidence. Crestal bone loss present in posterior regions, with 4-6mm probing depth. Heavy BUP.
Patient’s initial visit was October 2017, and they returned for re-care in April.
April V1: Posterior Perio depths remained in the 4-6mm range. LL quadrant was scaled using the Ultrasonic & hand-scalers.
April Visit 2: No residual calculus present upon re-evaluation of the previously scaled LL quadrant. Perio depth we re-measured for # 18, 19, 20 & 21. Pockets #19 DL & ML decreased from 4mm to 3mm, and pockets 21DL decreased from 5mm to 3mm. 18ML remained at 5mm, and 20DL was also 5mm. Because these pockets remained the same, after complete scaling and root planing, as well as confirmed crestal bone loss in radiographs, this patient qualified for arestin. Arestin was administered to 18ML & 20DL during this visit. LL & UL were also scaled during this visit.
April Visit 3: LL & UL re-evaluated, UR was scaled to completion. Perio depths were re-measured in UR, UL & LL. Pockets were still present in: 3DM 5MM, 2DB 5MM, 18DL 5MM, #29DB 5MM, #31DB 5MM, & #31ML 5MM. Arestin was administered to these sites by Banny Chen.
Visit 4: Patient will be returning to clinic on Monday May 21st, to have all Arestin sites re-evaluated. Results still pending.
Below are links to some of my most challenging cases in the past 2 years, that have helped me grow and strengthen my skills as a future RDH:
A.Z. 31 year old Caucasian male.