I believe it is safe to say that we are all strangers before we introduce ourselves in some shape or form. My name is Emmanuel Agyare-Poku, (the “g” in Agyare is pronounced like a “j”) I was born and raised in America and grew up in New York City, but my parents were born in Ghana. My Ghanaian last name originates from my grandfather on my mother’s side, however the Poku stems from my father. Growing up, I was rather lost as to what kind of person I wanted to be and what I wanted to do with my life. Luckily, I was blessed with my creative perspective and talent to guide me on my search for an answer.

I can’t be certain if I was always an artistic person. I entered the art world through doodling and minor sketches before moving into painting, photography and later challenging myself in the world of graphics. As the middle child of five its safe to say that I spent a lot of my childhood alone when I wasn’t interacting with my siblings or playing football with friends. I often lost my myself when my thoughts drifted into space. The cosmos was one of my greatest, if not original inspiration that sparked my creativity into moving my dreams, goals, and ambition towards making my thoughts into a reality. It wasn’t long before my love and strengths in surrealism and optical illusions found each other.

Being aware that, we are all creators by nature whether we choose to believe it or not, made me want to see how far I could push my capabilities and see if I can reach the potential of my skills and talent. Someday I hope all that I have learned allows me to connect my experiences with my knowledge and give birth to something the world has never seen in hopes of turning the strange existence of art into something well known.