My Life


What is Plagiarism?

During my high school years, plagiarism was my best friend when it came to writing papers. i took sources from books, websites, magazines and copied it word for word on to my essays without citing my sources. its actually quite easy to do especially when copying from a website. all you have to do is highlight what you want to copy, then right click the mouse and click on copy. now go into your word document and right click the mouse again and then click paste. finished! I now have plagiarism on my essay.

plagiarizing might be easy, but I did not develope any writing skills by doing so. it did not require any creativity at all. well maybe I was a little creative when i tried to get away with it by changing a few random words. then one day, i finally got busted. turned in my research paper and when i got it back. The biggest Red F you could possibly imagine on a 8×11 piece of paper was MY reasearch paper. damn…

Steve Job’s Success

Steve jobs success did not come easy. He knew what he wanted and pursued them. Job took many chances like last minute design changes. During the development of the iphone in 2001, jobs made the last minute change from changing the touch screen from plastic to glass. Despite the flaws of glass, jobs instinctively choose glass. This is why jobs were successful. He knew how and what he wanted his products to be and to give users an experience.


iPhone 4s same as iPhone4?

Informative abstract

A new Apple phone has emerged called the iPhone 4S. There is no difference in appearance compared to the iPhone 4, but the difference lies inside. There are a few main upgrades including a faster chip, better camera and speech recognition.


Descriptive Abstract

The new Apple iPhone 4S recently hits the sales floor.


Executive Abstract

The new Apple phone has finally arrived called the iPhone 4S. Iphone4s is sporting the same look as the previous model, but with some outstanding upgrades including a faster chip, better and faster camera, is a world phone and useful speech recognition like no other.

Stealing your Colleagues Thunder

If I was praised for work I did not do, I would not accept it. I would simply say “I appreciate the compliment, but most of the work was done by my partner”. This way you do get part of the praising and you also show your boss that you’re an honest person. I definitely want to work in a friendly environment. So being on everyone’s good side might be the best way. How would my co-worker feel if I took the boss’s praising? I would have made an enemy in the work environment and would make it really uncomfortable every time I saw him/her.

I have worked in environments both with good and bad colleagues. My current job for instance, has such a wonderful staff. Some even became my good friends. I simply enjoy going to work and don’t mind it at all. My previous job was the opposite. I had such horrible colleagues and could not stand going to work to be around them. It was so bad that I quit my job to search for a different one.

Apples Are Better!

In-Class Writing (Persuasion)

Apples are less messy to eat. You can even eat the skin. With an orange you would have to take the peel off and could get quite messy. With an apple, you just have to wash the outside and it is ready to eat. Apples are also more beautiful to look at. It has more colors and even shinier than a simple colored orange. The visual beauty also compliments its sweet taste that oranges cannot compare to. Since you have an orange and I have a apple. Let’s trade so you can experience what joy an apple can bring.

How to Create a Blog

How to Create a New Blog/Site

  1. Log in to
  2. On the home page point the mouse to a tab named My Sites.
  3. A black box will appear and then click on + New Sites.
  4. You will be directed to a page asking for the Blog Title.
  5. Once the blog name and title is determined, simply click on CREATE BLOG.

By Marvens Dorce / Danny Zhao