My Life

Stealing your Colleagues Thunder

If I was praised for work I did not do, I would not accept it. I would simply say “I appreciate the compliment, but most of the work was done by my partner”. This way you do get part of the praising and you also show your boss that you’re an honest person. I definitely want to work in a friendly environment. So being on everyone’s good side might be the best way. How would my co-worker feel if I took the boss’s praising? I would have made an enemy in the work environment and would make it really uncomfortable every time I saw him/her.

I have worked in environments both with good and bad colleagues. My current job for instance, has such a wonderful staff. Some even became my good friends. I simply enjoy going to work and don’t mind it at all. My previous job was the opposite. I had such horrible colleagues and could not stand going to work to be around them. It was so bad that I quit my job to search for a different one.

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