Prospect Park West


This street section represents two conditions of Prospect Park West. The first condition is where the residential building is only 3 stories tall with a front yard setback. The second condition shows residential building with 7 stories and a small setback from the property line. The smaller scale buildings allows more light and makes the street look much wider, while the 7 story building creates a urban like feel on that side of the road.

Along the length of Prospect Park West, there is a typical two-lane one-way roadway and a two-way bike path. The bike path is located between the parked cars and the side walk (rather than on the roadside), there is also a 4 foot door swing gap (marked by white paint stripes) to protect the bikers. This layout is something not seen in a majority of bike lanes and it helps promote safety by used the parked cars as a wall against moving traffic.

Another thing done along Prospect Park West is a 30 foot sidewalk. This sidewalk is split into three 10 foot sections. The first section has a layout of trees, planting areas, and cobble stone pathways. The section in the middle is a paved typical sidewalk. Lastly, the third section has a layout of trees, planting areas, and cobble stone areas with chairs. This allows plenty of trees on the street, which easily transitions into the Prospect Park. It also causes a clear definition on space, a space for entering, walking, and sitting.

The last thing that came out of this section is that there is no commercial storefront along the entirety of this street. All of the storefront are located two avenues away or at its southern end. This shows that commercial areas should be located in the center of a area rather than at its parameter (being that the park acts like a separator).

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