Philosophy Statement

I have always wanted to be a nurse since the age of 5. There was something about scrubs, wearing a white coat, and carrying a stethoscope that I admired. I knew that one day, I could be a part of that profession; nursing. 18 years later here I am, a Registered Professional Nurse and I could not be more proud.

Nursing is the practice of compassion and medical expertise. One cannot be a great nurse without mastering the art of both. It is important for nurses to be of good moral character and clean in hearts. The lives of others dependent on it.

Nurses should be advocates and a voice of reason for the public. They should work hard to ensure that all people are treated and cared for in a fair and equal manner, regardless of social, economic, sexual and racial background. Nurses should practice honesty especially in their professional areas of work. Nursing is a profession built on the principles of the above mentioned. Successful nurses are those who practice nursing with the best intentions of helping and caring for others.