Self-Reflective Narrative

Self-Reflective Narrative


This semester Community Health Nursing was not what I expected it to be. In fact, it turned out to be a lot better than I had anticipated. I learned a great deal not only about my community, but about my role as a Registered Professional Nurse. During my clinical rotation at Woodhull Hospital, I got the opportunity to help out at Cumberland Diagnostic and Treatment Center. It is a clinic within the North Brooklyn Healthcare Network. More specifically, I shadowed a nurse in the OB/GYN clinic. I had a very good experience there.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance.

Each week at clinical I demonstrated individual professionalism. I did this by arriving to clinical on time and ready to learn. Each week I wore business casual clothing under a clean white lab coat with the school’s emblem. I took the initiative to help out on the floor whenever possible. I worked hard to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of each patient I cared for.

Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.

I also used analytical reasoning along with my critical thinking skills when providing care in the community setting. This was a very important part of my clinical experience because many of the individuals who attended the clinic were pregnant. One example of how I used my critical thinking skills in this clinical setting is in assessing the gestational age of each of the mothers. I made certain to do this because prenatal care is based on the gestational age of the mother’s baby. For instance, it is standard that a GCT to be ordered and performed for at 24 weeks. In addition, I implemented all nursing interventions in a safe and timely manner.

Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.

I communicated effectively with a diverse group of individuals to address their health needs as well as the needs of their families. Each week I would care of for individuals from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. There were many times when a patient would come into the clinic and did not speak English. I had to advocate for my patient and get an interpreter on the phone to help translate. I realized that whenever I would do this, the patient’s felt much more comfortable and safe in the clinic. Although at times it was difficult, overall I enjoyed working in this diverse community because it taught to be more culturally competent.

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.

Working in an OB/GYN clinic meant I was required to do a lot of teaching. Many of the mothers were multiparous; although some were primigravida. This required me to establish an environment conducive to learning and to use a teaching plan based on evidence-based practice. I educated the mothers on the importance of eating a well-balanced diet and checking their blood pressure regularly. I instructed them to report to the Emergency Room if they had any sudden weight changes, bright red bleeding, or if they vomited more than twice in a day. But first, I had to assess the individual’s readiness for learning and their literacy level. This makes all the difference in successful teaching.

Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.

I utilized informational technology when managing individuals and families in the community. I this by accessing their EMR and using the information documented to provide patient care. It was important to remember to minimize the computer screen when walking away from the computer. This helps to eliminate the risk of HIPAA violation.

Objective 6: Demonstrate .a commitment to professional development.

Also, I demonstrated a commitment to professional development by pursuing my Bachelors of Science in nursing degree. I am always looking to attain more nursing knowledge and gain more clinical experience. I enjoy reading and learning. I take pride in my nursing degree and do not plan to stop at my BSN. One day, I hope to become a Nurse Practitioner. With a lot of dedication and by the grace of God I look forward to graduating this Fall 2015.

Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice.

I am aware of the clinics mission statement which is to deliver patient-centered, effective and cost-efficient health services. During my clinical rotation, I was accountable for every action I took. Even if it meant rechecking a blood pressure to make sure I got the correct reading. I made sure to work within my nursing scope of practice and to work diligently and to the best of my ability.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team.

While working in this clinic, I had to work with other members of the healthcare team. This included the Nutritionist, Social Worker, HIV counselor, and the Physicians. I learned how important every team member’s role is in the overall well-being of the patient. I also learned more about the roles and responsibilities of each team member. It’s amazing to see how different parts of the health care system work together.

Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services.

Throughout my clinical rotation I recognized the impact of economic, political, social, and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services. I noticed that individuals from a lower socioeconomic background tend to be more non-compliant with prescribed health care regimen. Thus; needing more education and follow-up. I also learned the role that politics plays in the healthcare system. I believe the healthcare system will improve if politics didn’t play such a major role in decision making. I also learned how important it is to advocate for your patient’s. As healthcare professionals, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety and health of every individual we care for.


I enjoyed this semester’s clinical rotation and feel that I learned a lot being a novice nurse. I enjoyed working with the mother’s at the clinic to prepare for the birth of their little ones. I also enjoyed parts of the term project. I loved educating others on Diabetes and also learned a lot in the process. I hope to acquire more nursing knowledge as I advance in my educational and professional

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