Self Learning Analysis

Becoming a Registered Professional Nurse has changed my life tremendously. In this past year, I have become extremely selfless. I learned the importance treating others with kindness. I now share my clinical knowledge to those that seek medical advice. Being a nurse has taught me to think of others before myself. I also learned to be more grateful for the things I used to take for granted. The experiences and knowledge gained throughout nursing school has made me a better person.  

While pursuing my BSN degree I gained a lot of new knowledge about the nursing profession. In Physical Assessment, I learned the various advanced assessment techniques, needed for early detection of diseases. In Research, I learned the importance of evidence based practice. Evidence based practice helps to prove/disprove nursing practices. Nursing research is especially important for identifying current health trends and the different ways to address them.

Taking courses in Community and Urban Health has also contributed to my personal and professional growth. I gained exposure to the different health disparities people experience. In addition, I learned how it affects their communities. Most importantly, I learned ways in which I can combat the urban health issues present in these underprivileged/underserved neighborhoods.

Leadership was an interesting course and one I’ll never forget. The course taught me to have more confidence in myself and the care I provide as a nurse. I learned how to staff a nursing unit and the basics of being a manager. One unforgettable idea that was presented, was the Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence Theory. This theory explained the transition from being a novice to an expert nurse. This theory helped me to become more confident in the care I was providing to my patients. It reassured me that I was on the right path and the more experience I gained, the better of a nurse I would become.

Professional nursing was one of my favorite classes. It really opened my eyes to the various issues nurses are faced with within the profession. It taught to take an active role in ensuring that I am an active member of some kind of nursing organization. Being a part of an organization makes it a lot easier to have my voice heard. I can take the needed steps to make the changes that the nursing profession needs. I learned the historical background of nursing and the changes that will be made in the future. My only wish is to be a nurse for as long as I can to see some positive changes being implemented in the nation’s healthcare system.