This project has helped me to create a better resume and cover letter for a job offer. I also learned how to set up a better online portfolio if I were to send this out to someone offering a job. The project was really easy for me as I already know how to write up a resume and cover letter from previous classes, but this class has taught me the difference between a good resume and a bad resume. The information I also took from this project is that structure, grammar, punctuation, and consistency matter when writing up a resume.
When setting up a resume and cover letter (as I have learned), one should reflect off of the other. If there are things written in a cover letter that is not mentioned in a resume and vice versa, then the resume and/or cover letter is poorly written. Also the layout of a resume should be consistent and nothing should be blocky. A resume should flow nicely and not look like a block of text with no spaces for dates and other sections. As for the portfolio, it should also be consistent and easily accessible for people to find your information and the headers should flow nicely as well.