project 4 proposition memo

Mega( is a cloud storage site by Kim dot Com(real name) after his very popular filesharing site got shutdown by the government for illegal files on the site. The pros of the Mega is very secure because passwords are a minimum 8 letter password, has to contain a lowercase letter, uppercase letter, a special character and a number. Another pro about the site is that the storage for a free account is 50GB (10GB bandwidth per month) on top of offering 4tb (8tb bandwidth for month) for about $11(8.99 euro) a month as their highest tier of membership. Mega also allows file-sharing, has a client-side AES encryption(browser extension), chat/email services and up to $11,000 (10,000 euro) reward for those who report security issues to the site. The cons of the is that the password are long and difficult to remember since the requirement are so much. On top of that, the password reset process is weird. To reset the password you will have a trusted computer that contain a master key that is sent to you through email upon signup. Without this master key there is no way you can reset your password to access your account.

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