The First Project

Because it was summer, there wasn’t a lot of design work for me to do at first. I was making layouts for info packets in the beginning before I got a real project. My first project was to make a flier for a summer event for IFCC. Being the IFCC wasn’t a design oriented company, it was up to me to make the flier without any reference and little to guide me to what they would like. I decided the design based mostly on the content I was given to work with and make a few different flier designs for Angelica, my supervisor, could pick and choose her favorite one.








Of my designs these were the finals I presented to my supervisor. The colors I chose were based off the IFCC logo, that was basically the only instructions I was given when making theses fliers. The Images came from IFCC’s shared drive that I was given access to. You can see here that I tried two different styles, a more formal top to bottom style and a more fun bubbly style. I used circles a lot In my designs for IFCC because it was one of the things I noticed they seemed to favor visually in their other fliers. Angelica ended up choosing the more formal one on the right. I saved the other flier design to use later. This project taught me how the work flow moved in the office, also what was expected of me. I had to manage my own time and use it for whatsoever I needed and to get my job done. It taught me how to communicate with a client, even if I didn’t have much direction. It also taught me how to use my resources and research skills in order to create something the client will most likely enjoy. This was simple first project, perfect for testing the waters in the office, and also fun to work on.