Author Archives: Paul Richards

My 3 Favorite Projects; Dimitri Duncan

photo 1 This assignment was the symmetry design project, based on the principles of symmetry. The structure of the project was to make a symmetric design of an animal, I used a panther and the the panthers paws to make the shapes and panthers body look like another shape, giving the symmetrical feel to it. I used the design elements of shape, color and space; while using the principles of rhythm, balance and unity. Finishing the project, I learned the ways of repetition and overall symmetry.

photo 2 This is my personal flag, that represents me. I structured the flag to be symbolic; to based it off my characteristics, personality and my affiliations. I used the midnight blue color for the background as my personal favorite color, also using the superhero style shape and gothic letter font. I used the superhero and gothic letter style because i’m a fan of superheroes and the gothic letter font represents my interest in art. The basketball with the headphones represents my love for music and basketball; both as a way of relaxation for me, with basketball as my favorite sport. For the project, theres lots of balance, pictographs and shapes, with high chroma colors. I learned how to use sensitvity to hue and alot of balance.

photo 3 This assignment is about simultaneous contrast. It about making one color pop out by contrasting with its complementary colors. The principles in the project was shape, symmetry and chroma-type colors. The principles are emphasis and repetition.I learned the ways of using high-chroma colors and low-chroma colors, plus the importance of making your project standout.


My Top 3 Projects, Paul Richards

IMG_1806For this i used unity to create a sense of wholeness and completion. By doing this i achieved balance to give an overall sense of equality in visual weight to make it symmetrical

IMG_1808Line was heavily used for this project. I like my use of Emphasis with the Permanent Marker for the circles: which represented the olympics in somewhat of a Ying/Yang look. The second is swirls to represent confusion with pattern. The third are a buildings windows with the window sill being emphasized. The last is supposed to be Anger; showing storm clouds with a little pattern and repetition

IMG_1807this his was my favorite out of all 3. I used plenty of color to represent emotion and my family members and also my heritage. The Black and white basketball player and basketball hoop was to show a sense of Rhythm with all the other colors surrounding it. The black and white represents the peace that the game of basketball gives me.