Case Studies

  • Fistula

New patient. 40 year old African American male. Heavy/Type III, presented to the clinic with a 3x3mm round, raised, soft, flesh colored projection on the gingiva adjacent to tooth #18B with a +2 mobility. Patient was systemically healthy, asymptomatic and visually unaware of the condition. PAN showed infection was destroying the alveolar bone and spreading outwards. Patient was referred to the dentist to evaluate the condition.

  • Abscess and Periodontal Disease

Recall patient. 52 year oldĀ CaucasianĀ female. Light/Type IIIĀ /Ā IV. Presented to the clinic with a painful, 5x5mm round, raised, red in color abscess with exudate present. Located on gingiva adjacent to tooth #23L. Patient has a smoking history (smokes 1/2 pack a day for 37 years) and a history of periodontal disease (Full Upper Denture and #17- #19, #30- #32 extracted over 10 years ago). +1 mobility on #22- #29 and +2 mobility on #21. Patient started taking a 7 day cycle of Amoxicillin 500mg every 8 hours, two days prior. Referred patient to Periodontist and Oral Surgeon.

  • Impacted/ Partially erupted 3rd Molars

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28 year old Caucasian male. Heavy calculus and heavy smoker for 13 years presents in clinic with caries on partially erupted impacted 3rd molars, along with interproximal caries on #31 and #18. History of Orthodontics for 4 years and removed in 2003. Patient has a permanent lingual retainer completely covered with subgingival and supragingival calculus. Multiple severe caries on multiple teeth. Severe BUP/ gingival edema. Patient bled while using air syringe to disperse saliva and food debris. Gingiva red in color, bulbous interdental papilla, rolled gingival margins, and 100% Plaque Index. Referred patient to Dentist forĀ caries evaluation and Oral Surgeon for 3rd molar extractions.