Lab 3

I had trouble with this because  the keywords are different for Pyhton 3.3 andd some operations won’t work.  this is best i can do

# Dario Fleurival
# Lab 3
# 3/1/13
# 9304

import math
x = int(input(‘Enter x: ‘))
y = int(input(‘Enter y: ‘))
sum = x + y
dif = x – y
product = x * y
quotient = x /y
remainder = x % y
print(‘ Enter 1 for addition ‘)
print(‘ Enter 2 for subtraction ‘)
print(‘ Enter 3 for multiplication ‘)
print(‘ Enter 4 for division’)
print(‘ Enter 5 for remainder ‘)
z = int(input(‘Enter your selection: ‘)
if z == 1 :
z = sum
print(‘The sum of ‘ ,x, ‘and’ ,y, ‘is’ ,z )
elif z == 2:
z = dif
print(‘The difference of ‘ ,x, ‘and’ ,y, ‘is’ ,z )
elif z == 3:
z = product
print(‘The product of ‘ ,x, ‘and’ ,y, ‘is’ ,z )
elif z == 4:
z = quotient
print(‘The quotient of ‘ ,x, ‘and’ ,y, ‘is’ ,z )
elif z == 5:
z = remainder
print(‘The remainder of ‘ ,x, ‘and’ ,y, ‘is’ ,z)