Lab 2

I had trouble with this lab because theΒ  difference won’t show only the sum was ffunctionable maybe because I’m using Pyrthon 3.3

print (β€˜ Operation 1: The sum of x + y’ )
print (β€˜ y will is equal to 5β€² )

y = 5
x = input(β€˜ Input the value for x:’)

sum = x + y
print (β€˜ The sum of β€˜,x,’ and β€˜,y,’ is β€˜,sum,)

print (β€˜β€”β€”β€”β€”-’)
print (β€˜Operation 2: The difference of x – y’)
print (β€˜This time you will be inputing the values for x and y’)

x = input(β€˜ Input the value for x:’)
y = input(β€˜ Input the value for y:’)

difference= y – x

print(β€˜ The difference of β€˜,x,’ and β€˜,y,’ is β€˜,difference)
print(β€˜Operation 3: The product of x and y’)

x = input(β€˜input the value for x:’)
y = input(β€˜input the value for y:’)
product=Β  x * y

print(β€˜ the product of β€˜ ,x, β€˜ and β€˜ ,y, β€˜ is β€˜ ,product)

print(β€˜Operation 4: The quotient of x/y’)
x = input(β€˜ input the value for x:’)
y = input(β€˜ input the value for y:’)
quot = x / y

print(β€˜ the quotient of β€˜,x,’ divided by β€˜,y,’ is β€˜,quot)


print(β€˜Operation 5: The remainder of x % y’)
x = input(β€˜ input the value for x:’)
y = input(β€˜ input the value for y:’)

rem = x % y

print(β€˜ the remainder of β€˜,x,’ and β€˜,y,’ is equal to β€˜,rem)

print(β€˜ Greater than or less than’)
input(β€˜ input the value for x:’)
input(β€˜ input the value for y:’)
ifΒ  x >= y:
print(β€˜ x β€˜,x,’ is greater than or less than β€˜,y)