ENG090R (5 hrs)

Course Description: 

ENG 090R is a course in reading and critical thinking skills focusing on improving reading proficiency to meet  college-level reading requirements. We will be reviewing dictionary use, vocabulary development, cognitive strategies for reading, demonstrating reading comprehension in writing, paragraph analysis, main ideas, supporting details, various patterns of organization, and drawing inferences. We will also work on effective strategies for approaching readings from across the curriculum, assignments, and other helpful study skills.


Placement by the ACCUPLACER reading test of scores of 45 or below.

Performance Objectives:

  1. Identify main ideas and relevant supporting details.
  2. Derive word meaning from context, use the dictionary effectively, study word parts, and build college-level vocabulary.
  3. Make valid inferences and draw reasonable conclusions based on the text.
  4. Develop study skills including questioning, annotation, outline, and summary.
  5. Demonstrate reading comprehension through writing.
  6. Develop familiarity and expertise in standardized reading test-taking skills.
  7. Develop critical thinking skills through the reading process in preparation for college-level reading.