ARCH 1110 _ Assignment_Folded_planes
ARCH 1110 _ Assignment 09_Grids_Cube Isometric View
ARCH 1110 _ Assignment 08_Grids_Cube
Mid review presentation requirements
ARCH 1110 _ Assignment 03_Durer’s_Alphabet
ARCH 1110 _ Assignment_02b_Geometry_Creation_revised
Homework for next Monday 9.28.15 For those students that were observing the Islamic Holiday, please adjust the SP point for the perspective and move it to the right about 5″ and create a new perspective. Once both perspectives are done, please put both drawings with a nice quality line on VELLUM Paper.
For Monday 2 perspectives shall be brought to class drafted on 11″ x 17″ paper.
Prof. Valdez
ARCH 1110 _ Assignment #2 01b_rectilinear_forms_delineated