immersive experience #1: museum of other realities

In the museum of other realities I was able to experience different virtual experiences at the same time. The most notable one was of a creation by Liz Edwards. She is famous for her virtual reality paintings in google tilt brush. In the experience I was able to shrink to the size of the picture displayed and jump through different portals in her illustrations. as I traversed the different rooms of her piece I began to notice the intricacies of her style and how she was able to blend illustration and 3d modeling to such a refined point. I also was astonished on how such an interesting way of displaying ones work can be achieved through virtual reality. It inspired me to give VR painting a shot and I was hooked for a while. It was large in part to this piece that I was inspired to abandon my painting major and switch to the game design track. Over all it is a very well made experience that takes full use of the VR painting medium to the point of complete immersion into the piece itself.