Category Archives: blog post

blog post 11 (internship 7)

Today, I wanted to share some progress on our latest project: designing the cover for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Institutionalization (DEI) Survey Report for Fall 2023. After receiving feedback on my initial burgundy-themed sketches, I experimented with new colors and designs to better capture the meaning of our report.

During our recent feedback session, I learned that one of my cover designs was considered a bit too busy. However, the box-themed cover from my initial batch was praised for its simplicity. Despite this, I still have a fondness for the more elaborate designs as they were fun to create, so I plan to save them for future projects.

After our Zoom meeting, I took a break to grab some breakfast and change into more comfortable clothes. Feeling refreshed, I set to work on refining the square cover design. To keep myself entertained while working, I watched “Wonka,” which turned out to be both interesting and a bit sad. However, I managed to stay focused and completed the task on time.

blog post 3 interview

Securing an interview with Brooklyn College was a big deal for me, and I gotta say, it went pretty well. Getting up early that morning, I knew I had to prep mentally because, let’s face it, I tend to get super nervous during interviews. I applied for the role of Accessibility Specialist Intern, focusing on graphic design. The interviewer, Isana Leschinskaya, who’s the assessment manager and associate director for Educational Research and Assessment, was really nice and gave me a lot of info about the internship, answering a bunch of my questions. At first, I thought I’d have multiple interviews or even an in-person one, but luckily, it was just a Zoom call with one person. But hey, this was my chance to land my first-ever internship in my field, so I was determined to nail it.

Thankfully, I had my aunt to turn to for guidance. She helped me come up with good answers to potential interview questions, which was a huge relief. With her support, I felt more ready to tackle whatever came my way.

Sitting there in the interview, I tried to stay cool, even though I could feel those butterflies doing their thing in my stomach. But thanks to the prep work with my aunt, I managed to keep it together and answer the questions they threw at me. They asked about my background, my design skills, and different experiences.

Looking back, I’m thankful for the help I got. It not only made me feel more confident during the interview but also taught me a lot about handling these kinds of situations. Whether I get the internship or not, I’m walking away from this feeling proud of myself and ready to take on whatever’s next.

meeting with advisor/ blog post 2

Lately, I’ve been diving back into research mode and seeking guidance from my advisor. We hashed out some plans for my next steps, including possibly going to grad school and snagging internships. It’s been a real eye-opener learning how to sift through information and make it work for me, you know?

On top of that, I’ve been really focusing on improving my 3D skills to get ready for grad school. Then, just the other day, I swung by the Professional Development Center hoping to land an internship. But instead, the advisor there helped me spruce up my resume big time. It’s looking way better now, thanks to some tweaks we made together.

But there’s still work to be done. I have to fine-tune the design and make sure it really highlights what I bring to the table. It’s a process, but I’m determined to get it just right so I can snag that dream internship.

Blog post 1- internship search

I’ve been on the hunt for an internship in my field of study, and let me tell you, it’s been quite the challenge. Getting into 3D art as a designer is no walk in the park compared to 2D design. I’ve scoured through platforms like LinkedIn and Handshake, but nothing has really caught my eye yet. Nonetheless, I’m determined to keep pushing forward.

I’ve even started reaching out to networks within my field, hoping to uncover some promising leads. It’s all about staying persistent and proactive. So, I’ll keep on hunting until I find the right opportunity that aligns with my goals and aspirations.