blogpost 13( internship 9)- self evaluation

For my self-evaluation, I’ll be focusing on my latest and most challenging project to date: the one-pager. Despite being a group effort, this project was a real test for me.

Typography and I have never gotten along well, and this project was no exception. Handling type was a major headache. Arranging the text so it looked good was a challenge, and figuring out kerning and spacing was so stressful that I had to take breaks to clear my head. This definitely wasn’t my best work. Working on the cover designs was somewhat easier because I primarily focused on creating images. However, since the one-pager was mostly text, it was a much bigger struggle for me.

Thankfully, after receiving a lot of feedback, I managed to improve the document and meet the supervisor’s requirements. Even though I didn’t always understand certain terms, I made sure to ask for clarification. This was a significant step for me, as I usually struggle with communication. I’m proud that I sought help when I needed it and communicated better than I have in the past. Overall, this project pushed me to improve and highlighted areas where I can grow. While it was incredibly challenging, I believe that with time and continued effort, I can get better at handling type and other difficult aspects of design. This experience taught me valuable lessons and reinforced the importance of seeking feedback and communicating effectively.