
Create a page in your OpenLab portfolio and name it “Project”. Post the following items:

  1. Description of your project.
  2. Team information (mention who you worked with and your specific contributions to the project).
  3. Source code.
  4. Screenshots of program/script running.

    Part A: Description of your project.

    Answer: Our project was to build our own Raspberry Pi project. So my group and I came together and build a Raspberry Pi “OwnCloud”. The Raspberry Pi is a service that’s created to use like a dropbox clone. The “OwnCloud” gives you freedom and full control o the servicer. For example, like managing the your own data , downloading documents and saving works. Using your own cloud to watch videos and etc..

    Part B: Team Information:

    Answer: The team I have worked with is Andrew, Mebal and Jamie Santos. My specific contributions to this project was helping Andrew writing the coding for “own cloud” and I mainly worked on the partition and permanently mounting the HDD.

    Part C: Source Code:
    These are the command I have use to Partition HDD to EXT4
    -sudo apt-get install gparted
    -sudo gparted


    Also to Permanently Mount the HDD to Raspberry Pi, I have used the following steps:
    SCreate directory where HDD will be mounted. We named our directory extstorage

    Ssudo mkdir /media/extstorage

    SIdentify the correct device id for the external hard drive.

    Sls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/


    SUpdate the fstab file so that this device can be mounted automatically every time we restart the Raspberry Pi.

    Ssudo leafpad /etc/fstab

    Part D: Program:
    Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 5.20.19 PM-1





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