Research Paper

Pepsi Logo

The Pepsi logo is based on a 100 year history behind its brand name and company. The Pepsi logo image has changed since the late 1890’s to today. The brand was created by a New Bern, N.C. pharmacist, Caleb Bradham also known as the first president of the PepsiCo company. The company has now grown into a worldwide market for Pepsi and has taken other brands under its wings, also making millions in the process.  

Originally, the Pepsi Cola was created by Caleb Bradham in 1893. The birth of the Pepsi-cola happened after a family crisis forced Bradham to drop his pursuit in medicine and return home to North Carolina. During his time in North Carolina he taught school for a short period of time before opening a drug store on the corner of Middle and Pollock Streets in downtown New Bern. His drug store was the birthplace of the Cola drink, but it was not until August 28, 1898 that the drink was renamed Pepsi-Cola, before then the drink was called Brad’s Drink. The Pepsi-Cola company was formed around the year 1902 do to the rise in popularity and demands for the sugary drink. By June 16, 1903 the Pepsi Cola became an official trademark and business began to grow. It was until 1904, that the Pepsi-Cola Syrup sales reached around 20,000 gallons. As demands for the drink kept rising, Bradham decided it was time to offer Pepsi-Cola in bottles. In 1905 the Pepsi-Cola received its first change to the logo name since 1898. The next year the logo changed yet again and came with the slogan, “The Original Pure Food Drink.” in 1906. The reason for the slogan was because in 1906 the U.S  federal government passed the Pure Food and Drug Act, banning substances such as arsenic, lead, barium, and uranium, from food and beverages. Pepsi-Cola, being free of any such impurities, claimed they already met federal requirements.(Pepsi Store) During the last four years the company began to grow and expand until 1910 by then there were around 240 franchises in 24 states. Also during the same year it was when the Pepsi-Cola Company held their first Bottler Convention in New Bern. The company not only experienced high moments but also low ones too. Real difficult times fell on the PepsiCo franchise during WWI that by May 31,1923 the Pepsi Cola was officially bankrupt and sold their assets to Craven Holding Corporation for $30,000. But after many years of struggles and many years of ups and downs the PepsiCo franchise still stands now better than ever. It was even ranked #1 on Core Brands list of Most Respected Companies and The company was also ranked #41 on the Fortune 500 list, in 2012. Leading up to the present moment being named among Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies in 2017. The logo has gone through change and it is still changing giving a fresh new look as the time goes.

The man who came up with the Pepsi logo was none other that Caleb Bradham, “ Given packaging color and its undeniable role in affecting consumers’ purchase decision, researchers and practitioners need to focus on psychology of colors and color preferences of consumers which are context and culture-specific” (Behzad Mohebbi) regarding to this quote the decision for the Pepsi design was based on the events that happened during that time. From 1898-1940 the Pepsi logo kept its design of a white background and red letters though the only change throughout the years was that the letter type was constantly change from thin to bold or even other type was added. It was not until around 1953 that the logo design was changed yet again but because of events such as WWI had happened, in order to show support for the United States and capitalize on patriotic feelings, the Pepsi-Cola introduced the iconic red, white and blue colors into their products. This logo became wildly popular and even to this day, the color scheme is the same. In 1962 the type was changed to black in order to contrast the white background and promote its logo. Soon after in 1971-1991 the type change to the color blue to and became easier on the eyes though its background remained the same until 1991 when the logo became the main focus leaving the red, white, and blue globe with a thick red line following after underneath its name. Around 1998 the Pepsi design adopted the blue background and enlarged the red, white, and blue globe. The type also changed to white to contrast the blue and appear lighter as a logo. In 2005 the logo background decides to add ice to emphasize the freshness of the drink, then in 2008 the Pepsi logo alters its globe and changes its type font. The logo has stayed the same so far in 2017.

In the Marketing area the Pepsi-Cola has grown significantly and has even sponsored the halftime in the Super Bowl XLI. “ Pepsi is expected to raise its spending for local television advertising, an expenditure that Pepsi and its bottlers share equally.” (Emanuel Goldman) The Pepsi Cola brand has spend a lot in advertisement which is why it has grown so far ahead. The Pepsi brand has official alliances with the National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Hockey League and Major League Soccer; is title sponsor of the AST (Mountain) Dew Action Sports Tour. It also has naming rights at the Pepsi Center in Denver, home to the NHL’s Avalanche and NBA’s Nuggets, among others, and it is also a corporate sponsor of the Atlantic Coast Conference’s basketball tournament ,which includes such top-ranked universities as North Carolina, Duke and Maryland. Regarding partners in the Marketing department, PepsiCo is also the NFL’s official sponsor of soda, juices and snacks since 2002. The Pepsi brand ended a two-decade alliance with Coca-Cola and the NFL. Speaking of Coca Cola there has been a long standing debate between Coca-Cola and Pepsi which is better.

Although the Coca-cola brand did not change much throughout the years and has stayed a classic for long using the red color with white type and polar bear as its mascot. It is not the same for Pepsi specially because it promotes different things. While the Coca-Cola brand promotes tradition the Pepsi brand promotes freshness and change another reason for its constant changes in its logo over the years. Even to this day the Pepsi cola brand has racked up positive reviews and is continuing to grow ever since.    

Therefore to conclude the Pepsi brand has grown significantly throughout the years gaining partners and rivals along the way. The logo has evolved since 1898 and has also continued to grow, It has gained the trust of many other marketing companies and has become a great deal in the sports marketing industry as well. Its logo representing its history and never letting go of it, it has carried out its history as its logo and has evolved with it and will keep on changing as time goes by.


Works Cited

  1. 2009 Trade Ideas, Inc. // Built Creative. Pepsi Store – History of the Birthplace of Pepsi,
  2. 29, 2017 August, et al. “Coca Cola vs Pepsi | Logo Design Case Study.” Canny Creative, 27 Mar. 2013,
  3. “Awards & Recognition.” PepsiCo,
  4. “Pepsi Logo – Design and History of Pepsi Logo.” Logo Design Blog RSS,
  5. Stark, Tony. “Pepsi Logo.” Logo Design Blog | Logaster, 8 Aug. 2012,

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