Lab #3

//David Ash
//Lab 3

public class numberstat {

    private int number;
	private int firstnum;
	private int lastnum;

	private int count;
	private double  average;
	private int max;

	private int min;
	private int totalnum;
	private int numamount;

	public int getnum() { 
		return number;

	public int getfirstnum() {
		return firstnum;

	public int getlastnum() {
		return lastnum;

	public int getcount() {
		return count++;

	public double getaverage() {
		return average;

	public int getmax() {
		return maximum;

	public int getmin() {
		return min;

	public int gettotalnum() {
		return totalnum;

	public int getnumamount() {
		return numamount;


import java.util.Scanner;
public class trainstats {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		int number = 0;

		int numamount = 0;
		int totalnum = 0;

	    int firstnum = number;
	    int lastnum = number %10;
	    int count =1;

	    double  average;
	    int max = 0;
	    int min = 1;

		Scanner input = new Scanner(;

	System.out.println("Enter a series of numbers: ");

	System.out.println("Enter a 0 when you are finished:  ");

	do {

	numamount ++;
	totalnum = totalnum + number;

	if (number > max)



	else if (number < min) {  min=number; 	count=1; } 
        if(number==min){ count ++; } 	
        if (count ==1){ firstnum = number; } 	
        else if (count >0) { lastnum = number;

while (number !=0);

System.out.printf("The average is %.2f\n", average);

System.out.println("the total number you entered: " + numamount);

System.out.println("The sum for the numbers you entered is " + totalnum);
System.out.println("The maximum number is\t: " + max);
System.out.println("The minimum number is: " + min);

System.out.printf("the first digit you entered is " + firstnum);
System.out.printf("\nThe last digit you entered is  " + lastnum); 

	numberstat stats1 = new numberstat();
	numberstat stats2 = new numberstat();
	numberstat stats3 = new numberstat();
	numberstat stats4 = new numberstat();
	numberstat stats5 = new numberstat();
	numberstat stats6 = new numberstat();
	numberstat stats7 = new numberstat();
	numberstat stats8 = new numberstat();

	System.out.printf("%s\n" , stats1.getmax());

	System.out.printf("%s\n" , stats2.getmin());
	System.out.printf("%s\n" , stats3.getaverage());

	System.out.printf("%s\n" , stats4.getlastnum());
	System.out.printf("%s\n" , stats5.getfirstnum());

	System.out.printf("%s\n" , stats6.getnum());
	System.out.printf("%s\n" , stats7.getnumamount());

	System.out.printf("%s\n" , stats8.gettotalnum());


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