Peer Feedback

Two pieces that caught my attention out of my peers are the book covers redesigned by Steven Taveras and Camile Ragland.

Steven’s book cover is miles better in portraying an interesting book cover over the original book cover for Nest.  It’s interesting and both set of eyes on the cover convey different things. The ones looking out from behind the shades are clearly a person looking outside to see what is out there. Clearly the other set of eyes is what’s concerning the person on the inside. Yellow glowing eyes are never a sign of anything good. This, grouped with the font in which the title is written in makes it clear that this book has some danger, thriller, or mystery element to it.  I honestly cannot think of anything that would make this cover better.

Camile’s book cover is playful as it should be. It’s a book about time travel. Time travel is one of the most fantastical notions in fiction. She takes this even further by having a clock where a lot of the numbers have spilled out from it. The title also act as the hands of the clock which is clever use of space and drawing the public’s attention.  The original book cover pales in comparison to Camile’s new redesign.  It’s also simplistic while being interesting which is hard to accomplish. I honestly don’t think it needs any work. On a personal note, I would use a different font for the title, but it’s a preference and as such not a critique.