
All these graphics are made by me in either In Design, Photoshop, and Illustrator as my main programs.


School Projects

School Flyer and RFP

For a school assignment, I was to create a flyer for the school portfolio invite. With it is a mock RFP

Attached RFP

Disney Oral Report

In class I was to give an Oral report on Disney. I created in in Illustrator and gave the report a feel as if Disney was writing on a storyboard by adding crayon and pen marks throughout the slides.

Disney Oral

Tim Burton Brochure for MOMA

In my desktop publishing class, I was to create a brochure on one of MOMA’s exhibits. At the time The world of Tim Burton was present, so I created a brochure as wacky as the designer himself, complete with quotes from him movies, and his favorite colors of black, white, and red. Both pieces were made in In Design.


Free Time

The Following pieces are done on my free time for very websites, and out of boredom.

Photoshop examples : All of these examples were made for  headers in a journal for  a popular blogging site (livejournal). They use textures, coloring, and photo manipulation.


    Interter Graphic


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