Hello, my name is Cynthia Yun and welcome to my ePortfolio!
In 2017, I decided to switch careers and find something that I would be happy and passionate about. I embarked on a new journey to become a dental hygienist! I enrolled into New York City College of Technology, took the prerequisite classes and was accepted into the program in the summer of 2018. After countless cups of coffee, many nights of hearing lovely strangers singing at 2am while studying, and lots of sweat, tears and laughter, I have finally reached the end of my journey of becoming a RDH.
In the past two years while in the program, I formed new friendships, had many new experiences and learned new skills. I spent over 500 hours in clinic, perfecting my instrumentation skills and learning about my patients! After every clinic, I would feel a sense of accomplishment when I complete the treatment on a patient. It makes me happy when my patient expresses their deepest gratitude because it shows that I am making a difference to them by helping them improve their oral health and hygiene. This motivates me to continue my path in this career! I invite you to explore my portfolio where you will be able to see my academic journey!