At the 2019 Greater New York Dental Meeting, my school collaborated with Colgate Smiles to educate elementary school students about oral hygiene. All of the senior class was split into different groups stationed at different booths. I signed up for the singing group and we danced and sang to the children. For the dance we created our own choreography. For the song we used the popular song “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X and changed the lyrics, recreating it to “Gotta Keep On Brushing” written by my fellow classmate and friend Susan Ni.  Everyone had a great time and the children danced and sang with us!

Performing to one of the many groups of elementary school students

An actual Colgate Smile bus that used for educating children about oral hygiene and for dental screening








NYCCT Dental Hygiene Class of 2020 at the 2019 GNYDM