Department Overview
The Department of Career and Technology Teacher Education (CTTE) offers the Bachelor of Science in Education degree as well as certificate programs for individuals seeking New York State teacher certification as teachers of Career and Technical Education (CTE) subjects and Technology Education.

1. Career and Technical Teacher Education
The Career and Technical Teacher Education Program offers the Bachelor of Science in Education degree, Initial and Professional CTE teaching certificates, Extension certificate for Coordinator of Work-based Learning Programs, and a Certificate Program for Non-degree students.
Specific CTE subjects in which individuals can seek certification include the career fields of family and consumer sciences (e.g., Arts, A-V Technology, and Communication Information Technology, Health Sciences/Careers, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services, Electrical-Electronic & Mechanical Technology, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics)

Graduates of the Career and Technical Teacher Education program are employed in a variety of settings including CTE programs in public high schools, private trade schools, Boards of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES), and industrial training programs.
2. Technology Teacher Education
The Technology Teacher Education Program offers the Bachelor of Science in Education degree, the Initial Certificate, Transitional C Certificate for career changers, and Professional Certificate in technology education through the Transitional C Program. The technology teacher education program focuses on the broad technological systems of communication, construction, manufacturing, transportation and energy. As part of the communications systems sequence, the program collaborates with the Computer Systems Technology Department to offer students an array of courses that prepare them to effectively use and manage information technology (IT) in the schools.

Watch this video produced by CTTE students, William Perez, Richard Liang, and Jhorvi Rosa Calderon that explain their experiences about technology education program at City Tech.
What makes City Tech’s CTTE unique?
Career and Technical Teacher Education and Technology Teacher Education at City Tech are the only such programs in the City University of New York system that prepare K-12 teachers in technology education and specific career and technical education (CTE) subjects. City Tech is a member in good standing of Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP), with an anticipated site visit in Spring 2023.

Department Mission and Outcomes
Our mission, as urban educators, is to prepare professionally competent, reflective and caring technical educators for a world of technology and diversity. Therefore, every graduate of the program is prepared to demonstrate:
General Knowledge – based on a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences that forms the basis for our shared values, understandings and responsibilities in a democracy.
Technical Competency – including knowledge and skill in career and technical education content areas to enable students to achieve high standards of learning and performance.
Professional Competency – based on knowledge of students and proficiency in designing instruction appropriate for their developmental levels and needs; proficiency in designing, planning, implementing and managing the instructional process in a safe and nurturing environment; and using a variety of methods, assessment techniques and resources.
Competency in the Use of Technology – ability to use modern computer technology and the Internet to facilitate and enhance the instructional process and student learning.
Caring Dispositions – personal and interpersonal characteristics that build upon and enhance dispositions to be caring professionals who have respect for learners of every age and background.
Reflective Practice – critical analysis, evaluation and continuous improvement of professional practice and life-long learning.
Sensitivity to Diversity – awareness of the diverse cultures that make up our urban schools, communities and our global society; and the basis for practices that support and meet students’ learning needs.