Patient Management

In December 2012, a 46 year old male, Asian presented at our clinic, for a dental cleaning. He was a heavy type II localized type III perio case.  His probing depths ranged between 3-7mm.  The procedure for Arestin placement was explained to the patient and that it reduces the pocket depths for periodonal disease.  Arestin of 1mg, 4 carpule, one each was placed on teeth #7ML, #15ML, #18ML, and #31MB.  The reading for #7ML was 5mm, #15ML was a 6mm, #18ML was a 7mm, and #31MB was a 7mm.  Patient returned back after 8 weeks and the reading of the Arestin on those areas for #7ML was 4mm, # 15ML was a 6mm, # 18ML was a 6mm, and #31MB was a 6mm.


In February 2013, a 20 year old male, Asian Indian came in for a dental cleaning.  He was a heavy type II perio case.  Referral for ortho was given to patient due to his mandibular anterior crowding and the referral for oral surgery for the extraction of deciduous teeth was given to the patient.  Between the teeth #12 and #13, tooth I was present.  3 months later, patient was scheduled for a dental cleaning.  This time he was a medium type II perio case.  There was no restoration on patient teeth.  I sealed the patient teeth with sealants on teeth #2, and #18 and explained to the patient how sealants can prevent your teeth from cavities.


In February 2013, a 76 year old female, African American presented at the clinic for a dental cleaning.  She was light type III perio case.  Patient wears a partial denture on the upper and lower.  I had the patient removed her dentures and placed it in a bag for me to place in a solution bath for 15 mins.  After 15 mins, I took the bag out of the solution bath.  After the patient treatment was completed, I handed the bag to the patient so she can put her dentures back on.  The sample of polident partial was given to the patient and the use of polident partial was discussed to the patient.