Latest Past Events
NYC, Media and Technology: What’s Hot
N928 300 Jay St., Room N928, BrooklynFounded in 2010, NYC Media Lab is dedicated to driving innovation and ultimately job growth in media and technology by facilitating collaboration between the City’s universities and its companies. Comprised of a consortium including New York City Economic Development Corporation, New York University, Columbia University, The New School, CUNY, and Pratt Institute, NYC Media Lab's goals include generating research and development, knowledge transfer, and talent development across all of the City’s campuses. Justin will describe NYC Media Lab, its projects, and the curiosities of its member companies.
Data-driven, Interactive Scientific Articles in a Collaborative Environment with Authorea
N928 300 Jay St., Room N928, BrooklynMost tools that scientists use for the preparation of scholarly manuscripts, such as Microsoft Word and LaTeX, function offline and do not account for the born-digital nature of research objects. Also, most authoring tools in use today are not designed for collaboration, and, as scientific collaborations grow in size, research transparency and the attribution of scholarly credit are at stake. In this talk, I will show how the Authorea platform allows scientists to collaboratively write rich data-driven manuscripts on the web--articles that would natively offer readers a dynamic, interactive experience with an article’s full text, images, data, and code--paving the road to increased data sharing, data reuse, research reproducibility, and Open Science.
Cloud and Cloud Computing – Behind the Hype
N928 300 Jay St., Room N928, BrooklynIn recent years, we have seen an overwhelming number of TV commercials that promise that the Cloud can help with many problems, including some family issues. What stands behind the terms "Cloud" and "Cloud Computing," and what we can actually expect from this phenomenon? A group of students of the Computer Systems Technology department and Dr. T. Malyuta, whom has been working with the Cloud technologies since its early days, will provide an overview of the business and technological aspects of the Cloud.