Lab 2

Lab Description:

In this laboratory experiment, an additional feature of converting numbers to roman numeral is added to the 32-bit calculator. In order to figure out how put roman numerals, you have to perform subtraction of various numbers as roman numerals because certain roman numeral notations are defined by 1, 5, 10, 100, and vice versa. Since the subtraction must go all the way to zero, there will be a while loop in the calculator to perform the necessary operations in order to display the roman numeral of the desired number.


program a32BitCalculator;
#include ("stdlib.hhf");

 Value1: int32;
 Value2: int32;
 Value3: int32;
 Total1: int32;
 Total2: int32;
 Applications: int32;
 Applications1: int32;
 counter: int32; 
 i: int32;
 j: int32;

begin a32BitCalculator;

	stdout.put("Hello, this is Rafael And Cythia's 32BitCalculator coding", nl);

	stdout.put("Hello, The partners names are Cynthia and Rafael", nl);

	stdout.put("Hello, user to help you decide your application please select from the following list, (1)Addition, (2)Subtraction, (3)Multiplication, (4)Exponential, (5)Conversion to Roman Numerals, (6) to Exit the program.", nl, nl);

	mov(0,Applications);// Applications =0 unnesessary
	stdout.put("Application ", nl);
	 while (Applications>6 || Applications6
	  	stdout.put("Enter Application again");
		stdin.get(Applications);	//infinite loop untill correct number is inputed
		endwhile;	// first check ends
	  /* while (Applications<1)do// Second checks if Applications = 65000) do//Checks the first number for valid input 	   stdout.put("This number is out of range of the calculator please reinput the value.", nl); 	  stdout.put("Value1",nl);           stdin.get(Value1); 	endwhile;		// ends first check 	 	stdout.put("Value2",nl); 	stdin.get(Value2);	//user inputs value2 	while(Value2 >= 65000) do//Checks the second number for valid input
           stdout.put("This number is out of range of the calculator please reinput the value.", nl);
        endwhile;		//ends second check

		 mov(0, Total2);
		 mov(Value1,eax);//move "Value1" data to register eax
	 	 add(Value2,eax);//adds "Value2" data to register eax
		 mov(eax, Total2);//moves data in register eax to variable space "Total2"
		 stdout.put("The value for the Sum is = ", Total2, nl);//outputs Decimal data in Total2
		mov(0,ecx);// Resets the registers after the Applications

//	Subtraction	
		elseif(Applications = 2) then

mov(0, Value1);//Value1=0 unnesessary
	mov(0, Value2);//Value2=0 unnesessary

	stdout.put("Please remember that if a number inputed is greater than 65000[2 raised to 16] the program may crash", nl);

	stdout.put("Please input the values for Value1, and Value2", nl);

	stdin.get(Value1);	//user inputs value1

	while(Value1 >= 65000) do//Checks the first number for valid input
	   stdout.put("This number is out of range of the calculator please reinput the value.", nl);
	endwhile;		// ends first check

	stdin.get(Value2);	//user inputs value2

	while(Value2 >= 65000) do//Checks the second number for valid input
           stdout.put("This number is out of range of the calculator please reinput the value.", nl);
        endwhile;		//ends second check

		 mov(Value1,eax);//move "Value1" data to register eax
		 mov(Value2,ebx);//move "Value2" data to register ebx
		 sub(eax,ebx);//subtracts the data in register eax from ebx
		 mov(ebx,Total1);//move difference data in register ebx to "Total1"
		stdout.put("Please note that Value1 is subtracted from Value2",nl);
		 stdout.put("The value for the Difference is = ", Total1, nl);
		//outputs Decimal data in Total1
		mov(0,ecx);// Resets the registers after the Applications

//	Multiplication
		elseif(Applications = 3) then

mov(0, Value1);//Value1=0 unnesessary
	mov(0, Value2);//Value2=0 unnesessary

	stdout.put("Please remember that if a number inputed is greater than 65000[2 raised to 16] the program may crash", nl);

	stdout.put("Please input the values for Value1, and Value2", nl);

	stdin.get(Value1);	//user inputs value1

	while(Value1 >= 65000) do//Checks the first number for valid input
	   stdout.put("This number is out of range of the calculator please reinput the value.", nl);
	endwhile;		// ends first check

	stdin.get(Value2);	//user inputs value2

	while(Value2 >= 65000) do//Checks the second number for valid input
           stdout.put("This number is out of range of the calculator please reinput the value.", nl);
        endwhile;		//ends second check

		 	mov(Value2, edx);//move "Value2" data to register edx
			mov(Total1,eax);//move "Total1" data to register eax
		 for(mov(0, counter); counter = 65000) do//Checks the first number for valid input
	   stdout.put("This number is out of range of the calculator please reinput the value.", nl);
	endwhile;		// ends first check

	stdin.get(Value2);	//user inputs value2

	while(Value2 >= 65000) do//Checks the second number for valid input
           stdout.put("This number is out of range of the calculator please reinput the value.", nl);
        endwhile;		//ends second check

			mov(1,Total1);//move the data value decimal 1 to variable space "Total1"
			mov(Value2,eax);//move "Value2" data to register eax
			mov(Value1,ebx);//move "Value1" data to register ebx
			for(mov(0,i);i<eax; add(1,i))do//does the below statements until i is equal to Value2 			mov(0,ecx);//move the data value decimal 0 to register ecx, used as a place holder for the added values 				for(mov(0,j);j0) do//Starts the Roman numeral converter 					 if(eax=4)then 					   stdout.put("IV",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(4,eax);//subtracts 4 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=9)then 					   stdout.put("IX",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(9,eax);//subtracts 9 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=40)then 					   stdout.put("IL",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(40,eax);//subtracts 40 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=90)then 					   stdout.put("XC",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(90,eax);//subtracts 90 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=99)then 					   stdout.put("IC",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(99,eax);//subtracts 99 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=400)then 					   stdout.put("CD",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(400,eax);//subtracts 400 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=490)then 					   stdout.put("XD",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(490,eax);//subtracts 490 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=499)then 					   stdout.put("ID",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(499,eax);//subtracts 499 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=900)then 					   stdout.put("CX",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(900,eax);//subtracts 900 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=990)then 					   stdout.put("XM",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(990,eax);//subtracts 990 from inputed value 					 elseif(eax=999)then 					   stdout.put("IM",nl);//Prints what is inside the quotes 						sub(999,eax);//subtracts 999 from inputed value 					 endif;		// ends the special check list 					 while(eax>=1000) do
					   stdout.put("M");//Prints what is inside the quotes
						sub(1000,eax);//subtracts 1000 from inputed value
					 while(eax>=500) do
					   stdout.put("D");//Prints what is inside the quotes
						sub(500,eax);//subtracts 500 from inputed value
					 while(eax>=100) do
					   stdout.put("C");//Prints what is inside the quotes
						sub(100,eax);//subtracts 100 from inputed value
					 while(eax>=50) do
					   stdout.put("L");//Prints what is inside the quotes
						sub(50,eax);//subtracts 50 from inputed value
					 while(eax>=10) do
					   stdout.put("X");//Prints what is inside the quotes
						sub(10,eax);//subtracts 10 from inputed value
					 while(eax>=5) do
					   stdout.put("V");//Prints what is inside the quotes
						sub(5,eax);//subtracts 5 from inputed value
					 while(eax>=1) do
					   stdout.put("I");//Prints what is inside the quotes
						sub(1,eax);//subtracts 1 from inputed value
					endwhile;//ends the Roman numeral loop

		mov(0,ecx);// Resets the registers after the Applications

		endif;// ends the larger if statement for selection
		//End Choices
		//breakif(Applications = 6)then  
			stdout.put("Enter Application again to continue", nl);
			stdout.put("(1)Addition",nl,"(2)Subtration",nl,"(3)Multiplication",nl,"(4)Exponentiation",nl,"(5)Roman Numeral Converter",nl,"(6)Exit the program",nl);
		end a32BitCalculator;		
//Final ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

32-bit Calculator

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