What is the Credible Sources Project?

The Credible Sources project aims to teach students about utilizing the proper sources for academic or professional work. The ability to properly research is an essential skill to master. Across this site, you will find pages and links that all will teach you about how to locate, utilize, and properly cite credible sources, as well as, a game that poses a series of questions throughout various categories. Some questions will revolve around basic knowledge on source credibility while others will introduce scenarios that students may encounter while conducting their own research. We understand that this work may not always be the most enticing or exciting work, however, it is vital for many successful careers and we hope that our game will, at the very least, make learning about sources fun.

For information on Search Engines, click here.

For information on Keywords and Controlled Vocabularies, click here.

For information on Scholarly Articles, click here.

If you want to test your knowledge on credible sources, click here.