Courses on the OpenLab

4,093 to 4,104 (of 4,304)
1230 Building Technology II

1230 Building Technology II

Daniel Friedman
Architectural T...|1230|Fall 2012

Fall 2012 Professor Friedman Weds 3:30 – 5:30 Fri 3:30 – 5:30

Print Production for Designers, Fall 2013 Tuesdays

Print Production for Designers, Fall 2013 Tuesdays

Prof. Matthew C. Lange
Communication D...|3532|Fall 2013

Print Production for Designers focuses on current print production procedures that can ready designers for real world policies, procedures and accountability. Understanding printing processes is an essential part […]

GRA3532, Print Production for Designers, D386, Spring 2014

GRA3532, Print Production for Designers, D386, Spring 2014

Prof. Matthew C. Lange
Communication D...|GRA3532|Spring 2014

Print Production for Designers focuses on current print production procedures that can ready designers for real world policies, procedures and accountability. Understanding printing processes is an essential part […]

Building Technology 3 FA.13

Prof. Paul King
Architectural T...|AR2330|Fall 2013

Building Technology III

Professor Belli, Advanced Technical Writing, Spring 2013 (5599)

Professor Belli, Advanced Technical Writing, Spring 2013 (5599)

Jill Belli
5599|Spring 2013

Course Description: An advanced course in effective technical writing techniques, including traditional technical writing forms and world wide web communication. This course will have students use electronic […]

MAT1275, Spring 2014

MAT1275, Spring 2014

Catherine Jiang
Mathematics|MAT1275|Spring 2014

College Algebra and Trigonometry



Professor Faculty
Entertainment T...|ENT1190

An introduction to the basic components and practices of preproduction and production methodologies for content creation in commercial video and film production. Through lectures, reading assignments, screenings […]

GRA3532, Print Production for Designers, Spring 2014

GRA3532, Print Production for Designers, Spring 2014

Prof. Matthew C. Lange
Communication D...|GRA3532|Spring 2014

Print Production for Designers focuses on current print production procedures that can ready designers for real world policies, procedures and accountability. Understanding printing processes is an essential part […]

MAT 1175 Fundamentals of Mathematics Spring 2014

Sandie Han
Mathematics|MAT 1175|Spring 2014

Topics covered in the course include linear and quadratic functions, intermediate algebra, plane geometry and trigonometry of the right triangle.

ENG 1101: Composing Abstractions

Prof. Gold
English|ENG 1101|Fall 2012

A first-year writing course for Architecture majors. Part of a learning community with the Architecture department. Course Description: In your college architecture classes and in your professional careers […]

LAW 1101 Introduction to Paralegalism

LAW 1101 Introduction to Paralegalism

Prof. Espinoza
Law and Paraleg...|Spring 2014Intro




Shek G. Sesay
Biological Scie...|Bio1101|Spring 2014

Practical aspect of introductory, General, Biology.