Courses on the OpenLab

1,477 to 1,488 (of 4,321)

MAT2680 Differential Equations Fall 2020

Kate Poirier
MAT2680|Fall 2020

An introduction to solving ordinary differential equations. Applications to various problems are discussed.

MAT1190 Section OL82, Spring 2021

MAT1190|Spring 2021

Quantitative Reasoning

mtech-3230-mixed-reality-for-immersive-worlds, FA2021

Sky Rolnick
MTEC3230|Fall 2021

This course will explore the new frontier of virtual, augmented and mixed reality across different market sectors. Students will experiment with designing and developing game-based and interactive projects […]

Learning Places: Understanding the City LIB2205ID ARCH2205 (OL96) Fall 2020

Keith Muchowski, Michael Duddy
LIB2205ID ARCH2205ID|Fall 2020

This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with […]

English 1101 | Section O259

Charlotte Deaver
1101|Fall 2021

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

3D Design COMD3292D222 Spring2020

Professor Taradash
COMD #3292|Spring 2020

Principles of three-dimensional design. Course covers an analysis of form and space. Topics include: hollow forms both geometric and organic; architectonic organization of space; light and shadow; geometric […]

ARTH1100 WRITING INTENSIVE History of Photography F2017

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH1100|Fall 2017

“Making any statement of your feelings is risky. It’s just like making pictures.” – Joel Meyerowitz This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the pre […]

HUS 3609

Health Services...

To be aded

Utopias & Dystopias (ENG 2000: Perspectives in Literature)

Jill Belli
English|2000|Spring 2014

This course is an introduction to literature through the lens of “utopia,” or the desire for a different, better way of being. Through exploring short stories, novels, poetry, songs, advertisements, films, TV sho […]

MTEC2120 – Interactive Media System Design

MTEC2120 – Interactive Media System Design

MTEC2120|Fall 2020

A nontraditional approach to the articulation of design techniques with different types of interactive media and an introduction to the theories, models and frameworks for designing interaction with sound and […]

ARCH1101 Intro to Architecture, FA2021

Robert Zagaroli 3rd
ARCH1101|Fall 2021

The Introduction to Architecture provides the foundations for a “visual literacy” of the built environment. Using New York City as a living laboratory, students explore concepts of design, composition, and con […]

MAT1275CO_OL10_NYCCT, FA2021

MAT1275CO|Fall 2021

An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry, including identities, […]