Claire’s Timekeeping Post

Calendar due dates; review course syllabi, Blackboard, and OpenLab to create list of upcoming due dates and strategize order of completing work – 0.25

Study for Civil Law and Procedure Midterm; using study guide from Blackboard, make new document complaining relevant notes – 0.75

Study for Intro to Paralegal Studies Midterm; using study guide class handout, make new document complaining relevant notes – 0.75

Make and eat lunch – 0.25

Read news and check social media – 0.25

Resume Studying for Intro to Paralegal Studies Midterm – 0.50

Read chapters 15-16 for Intro to Public Speaking and take both chapter quizzes – 0.75

Nap – 0.50

I thought this experience would be more tedious than I actually found it. I think it helped me stay a bit more on track than usual. I typically make a to-do list for the week or a given day I’ve devoted to studying, which helps me feel motivated as I check off boxes. But adding the element of recording time helped me to remember to take breaks and to focus on multiple courses rather than zoning in on just one.

Todays actives in timekeepers form


Timekeeping schedule for 3/20/2023 8am – 12pm


Ate breakfast = 0.25


Showered = 0.25


Walked Sadie = 0.25


Travel to doctors appointment = 1.00


Met with friend= 0.25


Traveled to Chelsea for supplies = 1.00


Travel to Times Square for lunch = 1.00


Today I ran errands for my flight on Wednesday.
Today’s errands occupied about four hours of my time today.

Davida’s Timekeeping post!

Here is how I spent my time on Monday 3/20/2023. from 8 am-12 pm


Took Uber to school-0.75.

Went to Starbucks-0.033. This was quick since I did mobile order, so it was only 2 minutes.

In civil law class-1.0

Took uber back home-0.50.

Went to the bank with my mom-0.50.

Ate breakfast-0.50.

My reaction: I feel like this was a pretty regular school day for me, so it was nothing shocking or different other than today I was in a little more of a rush because I was late to class due to traffic. I wouldn’t time keep my day again other than for an assignment, but it was pretty cool to reflect on my day in number form.


Tiffany Timekeeper

  • I was at star bucks –  0.20 hour
  • Waited for the 2 trains to go home – 0.15 hour
  • I was on the phone with my boyfriend – 2.0 hours
  • I walked home from the train- 0.25 hour
  • When I got home played hide and seek with my niece – 1.0 hour
  •  I did my Civil Procedure quiz on Blackboard – 0.50 hour
  • Reaction= This exercise was a very interesting activity to keep track on how much minutes and hours I spent in a day doing something. I realized time be going very fast in a day because 30 minutes be feeling like 2 secs.

Don’t forget! Timekeeping assignment due 8am!

Hello Students!

Just a reminder, please be sure to post your Timekeeping assignment here on OL by 8am tomorrow (Tuesday March 21)!  See my post below as an example!  Please also review everything we’ve learned in prep for our midterm exam that we’ll take Thursday, March 23, and for some review we’ll do tomorrow.  Here are some suggested topics!

Enjoy the rest of today, see you tomorrow!


Additional interviewing tips from our guest speaker!

Hello Students!

I hope you enjoyed our visit from Starbucks Senior Recruiter Kate Dove this past Thursday!  Below is some additional guidance on interviewing that she provided.  I hope you find it useful!




o   Clothing – Clothing patterns and colors will contribute to the appearance of the video. Avoid clothes with lots of designs or patterns, as well as solid outfits with bold, bright colors. Black and neutral colors look best on video.

o   Act naturally – Use gestures, facial expressions, notes and graphics just as you do in face-to-face meetings. They add life to your meeting and keep your presentations interesting.

o   Speak naturally – The microphones can easily pick up the sound of conversation, so there is no need to shout. Participants should speak one at a time to ensure that everyone is understood.


Why Starbucks?

Starbucks leaders love to hear from candidates about the passion they have for the company and how you feel connected to Starbucks. The links below will help you better understand our company culture and may help you prepare to share some examples of why you want to work at Starbucks. It will also help you put together any questions you may have about being a partner and the Starbucks culture for the end of the interview.  

Tips to Prepare for your Interview 

Here is the process I’ve learned to use to help me prepare for interviews. Interviewing is simply telling stories!

  1. Think about the top 3-4 strengths / capabilities a Store Manager needs to be successful – Jot them down.  
  1. Under each of these strengths / capabilities jot down 2-3 stories (clear examples) about how you have built a strategy to get results. 

·       Hiring managers want to be able to get a clear idea of how you think as a leader – develop your people, creatively solve problems, collaboratively work with your peers and cross functionally etc… Be sure to think of a few examples where the result you were expecting went the other way, and explain how you were able to check and adjust, or about what you learned from this experience that has helped you be a stronger leader.  

  1. It’s important that a candidate is specific, concise and clear in their communication, where each story (or example) should include a beginningmiddle and end.  The best way to tell your story is to use the STAR format framed out in more detail below.

·       Situation: Based on the question, share a recent situation in which you found yourself.

·       Task: What did you need to accomplish? Be clear about what you needed to achieve in this particular situation/example.

·       Action: What did you do? Why you choose this solution it and what were the alternatives?

·       Results: What were the outcomes of your actions? Share specifically what you accomplished through your actions – include metrics if applicable. Did you meet your objectives? If you didn’t get the desired outcome – what did you learn from this experience? Have you used this learning since?

 Top 3 Common Interview Missteps

  1. The first most common mistake is…Giving very general answers. “I typically drive my business through top customer service and on the spot coaching of my team.”  While that may be an ok general answer – give us an example how you did just that. Paint a clear picture for the hiring managers. They want to be with you observing what top customer service and on the spot coaching looks like, framed within an example you share. 
  1. When asked, “What questions do you have for us,” you respond, “None, my recruiter answered them all.” 
    • This is YOUR opportunity to interview US, to ensure this role is a great fit for you.  This part of the interview is as important as the questions we ask you. It shows you are curious and have done your research to  understand the role. 
    • Come prepared with 2-3 questions geared towards a Starbucks leader that leads a team of Store Managers. You may ask the same questions you asked me to get a different perspective from a leader very close to the business.   
  1. Spending too much time on one answer, stay succinct and to the point. Spend 3-4 minutes on each question to ensure you have time to ask the team questions at the end of the interview.  

For additional details and preparation, please visit our career site:

Post your question for our guest speaker HERE! by 8am Th March 16!

Hello Students!  This Thursday, March 16, we’ll welcome guest speaker Kate Dove, Senior Recruiter for Starbucks!  She recruits candidates for various management positions.  She reads LOTS of resumes and cover letters, and interviews LOTS of candidates.  She has tons of terrific insights on what does (and does not) help you land a great job!  Please “reply” to this post with at least one question you’d like to ask her, anytime before 8am on Thursday!  She looks forward to meeting you and answering your excellent questions!

See you then,


Coughlin’s timekeeping post!

Here is how I spent my time on Tuesday, March 14, 2022, from 12pm-4pm: 

Preliminary review of emails received since Friday afternoon: delete unnecessary items, respond to simple items, flag items for follow-up, etc. — 0.5

Conference call with B. Wesson and D. Lee of consulting group Voluble Insights re: potential CLE program — 0.5

Email with various students re advisement issues (qualifications for graduation; discrepancies in transcript; etc.) — 0.5

Email with various students to schedule advisement appointments — 0.5

Review emails re: schedule for selecting Valedictorian and Salutatorian for graduating class; record dates in calendar; email coordinator re: schedule conflict — 0.25

Phone call with Prof. V. Chevalier of Medgar Evers College re: follow-up to University Faculty Senate cabinet meeting on March 7, 2023 — 0.25

Preliminary review of LAW 2410 final essay submissions; email students to confirm receipt —  0.5

Confer with Peconic Bay Physical Therapy re: my mother’s upcoming appointments and necessary paperwork — 0.25

Prepare timekeeping assignment for LAW 1101 class — 0.75

Miscellaneous administrative and personal tasks, such as cleaning up desk, retrieve photocopies, prepare coffee, etc. — 0.25

My reaction: I was surprised at how long I spent reading and responding to emails!  It doesn’t seem like much time while I’m doing it, but when I actually kept track of it, I realized I spent a LONG time doing it (about 2 hours!).  I was also surprised at  how many different things I did in those four hours.  Again, it doesn’t seem like much, until I listed everything out.  This activity reminded me of my law firm days, when I used to have to keep track of all of my work time.  It took me a little while to get back in the habit of checking the time when I started and completed each activity, so I could record it accurately.    It also reminded me how much I didn’t enjoy doing that when I was at the firm!

Quiz #2 is available on Blackboard!

Hello Students!  Quiz #2 is now available on our course Blackboard site, in the “Content” folder, the first item.  If you would prefer to take the quiz on paper, in the department office (N622), you are welcome to do so anytime today until 4:30pm.  Please email me to let me know, or just come to N622.  Otherwise, please complete the quiz today (Tuesday, March 14, 2023) on Blackboard, anytime between 10am-5pm, in one hour, and in one sitting.  So, once you start the quiz, you must complete and submit it before logging off Blackboard.  Choose the best answer to each question.  Each response is worth 2 points.  If you have questions or technical problems, or you need additional time, please CALL me at 917.363.0063.  (Please do not email or text.)  Good luck!   KC

TRIP TODAY!! Th March 9 – walking tour of courts!

Good morning Students!  For today’s class we will take our walking tour of the courts near City Tech!  Please meet 10am sharp at the main entrance to the college, 300 Jay Street.  We will not be in the classroom today.  If you want to lock bags or anything in my office, you’re welcome to drop them off at N622 by about 9:45am.  I look forward to seeing you soon!