Tiffany Timekeeper

  • I was at star bucks –  0.20 hour
  • Waited for the 2 trains to go home – 0.15 hour
  • I was on the phone with my boyfriend – 2.0 hours
  • I walked home from the train- 0.25 hour
  • When I got home played hide and seek with my niece – 1.0 hour
  •  I did my Civil Procedure quiz on Blackboard – 0.50 hour
  • Reaction= This exercise was a very interesting activity to keep track on how much minutes and hours I spent in a day doing something. I realized time be going very fast in a day because 30 minutes be feeling like 2 secs.

Coughlin’s timekeeping post!

Here is how I spent my time on Tuesday, March 14, 2022, from 12pm-4pm: 

Preliminary review of emails received since Friday afternoon: delete unnecessary items, respond to simple items, flag items for follow-up, etc. — 0.5

Conference call with B. Wesson and D. Lee of consulting group Voluble Insights re: potential CLE program — 0.5

Email with various students re advisement issues (qualifications for graduation; discrepancies in transcript; etc.) — 0.5

Email with various students to schedule advisement appointments — 0.5

Review emails re: schedule for selecting Valedictorian and Salutatorian for graduating class; record dates in calendar; email coordinator re: schedule conflict — 0.25

Phone call with Prof. V. Chevalier of Medgar Evers College re: follow-up to University Faculty Senate cabinet meeting on March 7, 2023 — 0.25

Preliminary review of LAW 2410 final essay submissions; email students to confirm receipt —  0.5

Confer with Peconic Bay Physical Therapy re: my mother’s upcoming appointments and necessary paperwork — 0.25

Prepare timekeeping assignment for LAW 1101 class — 0.75

Miscellaneous administrative and personal tasks, such as cleaning up desk, retrieve photocopies, prepare coffee, etc. — 0.25

My reaction: I was surprised at how long I spent reading and responding to emails!  It doesn’t seem like much time while I’m doing it, but when I actually kept track of it, I realized I spent a LONG time doing it (about 2 hours!).  I was also surprised at  how many different things I did in those four hours.  Again, it doesn’t seem like much, until I listed everything out.  This activity reminded me of my law firm days, when I used to have to keep track of all of my work time.  It took me a little while to get back in the habit of checking the time when I started and completed each activity, so I could record it accurately.    It also reminded me how much I didn’t enjoy doing that when I was at the firm!