No meeting Tue April 25! Take Quiz 3 on Blackboard!

Hello Students!

I hope you all enjoyed the Spring-y weekend!  Just a reminder, we will NOT meet tomorrow (Tuesday, April 25).  Instead, you will complete Quiz #3 on Blackboard, anytime between 10am-5pm, which will count as your attendance for tomorrow’s class.  The quiz covers our topics since the midterm exam: Ethics & Professional Responsibility, and Sources of Law (chapters 4-5).  If you would prefer to take the quiz on paper, in person, you’re welcome to do that, let me know or just come to the department office (N622) anytime before 4:30pm.

Also don’t forget, on Thursday April 27, we’ll meet in the department office (N622) at 10am SHARP to drop our stuff, then go to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of NY to observe a proceeding!  It looks like we will be able to watch a criminal trial!!

Have a pleasant evening,


Post your answer to ethics question HERE! by 8am Tues April 4

Hello Students!  I hope you enjoyed our very “ETHICAL” discussion today. 🙂  By 8am Tuesday, April 4, please read the rest of ch. 4 (pp. 100-118) (in addition to the first part of ch. 4, previously assigned).  Then, on p. 117, choose any ONE of the following questions and answer it in in a “reply” to this post: Ethics Question 1 OR 2, OR Practice Question 4 OR 5!  Be sure to identify which question you are answering!  We’ll discuss your thoughtful responses in Tuesday’s class!


Helpful items posted!

Hello Students!

On the “class notes & materials” page, I’ve now posted the answer keys for both of our quizzes near the top of the page, and the notes from today’s discussion of law firm financial procedures (not the exam review!) further down on the page, under today’s date.  I hope you find them helpful in studying for Thursday’s midterm exam.

For the exam, you are welcome to bring and use your paper copies of the maps and charts of the court systems, and a pen, and your big, smart brain.  That’s it!  You won’t need anything else.  Study hard, I look forward to seeing you Thursday!


Don’t forget! Timekeeping assignment due 8am!

Hello Students!

Just a reminder, please be sure to post your Timekeeping assignment here on OL by 8am tomorrow (Tuesday March 21)!  See my post below as an example!  Please also review everything we’ve learned in prep for our midterm exam that we’ll take Thursday, March 23, and for some review we’ll do tomorrow.  Here are some suggested topics!

Enjoy the rest of today, see you tomorrow!


Additional interviewing tips from our guest speaker!

Hello Students!

I hope you enjoyed our visit from Starbucks Senior Recruiter Kate Dove this past Thursday!  Below is some additional guidance on interviewing that she provided.  I hope you find it useful!




o   Clothing – Clothing patterns and colors will contribute to the appearance of the video. Avoid clothes with lots of designs or patterns, as well as solid outfits with bold, bright colors. Black and neutral colors look best on video.

o   Act naturally – Use gestures, facial expressions, notes and graphics just as you do in face-to-face meetings. They add life to your meeting and keep your presentations interesting.

o   Speak naturally – The microphones can easily pick up the sound of conversation, so there is no need to shout. Participants should speak one at a time to ensure that everyone is understood.


Why Starbucks?

Starbucks leaders love to hear from candidates about the passion they have for the company and how you feel connected to Starbucks. The links below will help you better understand our company culture and may help you prepare to share some examples of why you want to work at Starbucks. It will also help you put together any questions you may have about being a partner and the Starbucks culture for the end of the interview.  

Tips to Prepare for your Interview 

Here is the process I’ve learned to use to help me prepare for interviews. Interviewing is simply telling stories!

  1. Think about the top 3-4 strengths / capabilities a Store Manager needs to be successful – Jot them down.  
  1. Under each of these strengths / capabilities jot down 2-3 stories (clear examples) about how you have built a strategy to get results. 

·       Hiring managers want to be able to get a clear idea of how you think as a leader – develop your people, creatively solve problems, collaboratively work with your peers and cross functionally etc… Be sure to think of a few examples where the result you were expecting went the other way, and explain how you were able to check and adjust, or about what you learned from this experience that has helped you be a stronger leader.  

  1. It’s important that a candidate is specific, concise and clear in their communication, where each story (or example) should include a beginningmiddle and end.  The best way to tell your story is to use the STAR format framed out in more detail below.

·       Situation: Based on the question, share a recent situation in which you found yourself.

·       Task: What did you need to accomplish? Be clear about what you needed to achieve in this particular situation/example.

·       Action: What did you do? Why you choose this solution it and what were the alternatives?

·       Results: What were the outcomes of your actions? Share specifically what you accomplished through your actions – include metrics if applicable. Did you meet your objectives? If you didn’t get the desired outcome – what did you learn from this experience? Have you used this learning since?

 Top 3 Common Interview Missteps

  1. The first most common mistake is…Giving very general answers. “I typically drive my business through top customer service and on the spot coaching of my team.”  While that may be an ok general answer – give us an example how you did just that. Paint a clear picture for the hiring managers. They want to be with you observing what top customer service and on the spot coaching looks like, framed within an example you share. 
  1. When asked, “What questions do you have for us,” you respond, “None, my recruiter answered them all.” 
    • This is YOUR opportunity to interview US, to ensure this role is a great fit for you.  This part of the interview is as important as the questions we ask you. It shows you are curious and have done your research to  understand the role. 
    • Come prepared with 2-3 questions geared towards a Starbucks leader that leads a team of Store Managers. You may ask the same questions you asked me to get a different perspective from a leader very close to the business.   
  1. Spending too much time on one answer, stay succinct and to the point. Spend 3-4 minutes on each question to ensure you have time to ask the team questions at the end of the interview.  

For additional details and preparation, please visit our career site:

Post your question for our guest speaker HERE! by 8am Th March 16!

Hello Students!  This Thursday, March 16, we’ll welcome guest speaker Kate Dove, Senior Recruiter for Starbucks!  She recruits candidates for various management positions.  She reads LOTS of resumes and cover letters, and interviews LOTS of candidates.  She has tons of terrific insights on what does (and does not) help you land a great job!  Please “reply” to this post with at least one question you’d like to ask her, anytime before 8am on Thursday!  She looks forward to meeting you and answering your excellent questions!

See you then,


Quiz #2 is available on Blackboard!

Hello Students!  Quiz #2 is now available on our course Blackboard site, in the “Content” folder, the first item.  If you would prefer to take the quiz on paper, in the department office (N622), you are welcome to do so anytime today until 4:30pm.  Please email me to let me know, or just come to N622.  Otherwise, please complete the quiz today (Tuesday, March 14, 2023) on Blackboard, anytime between 10am-5pm, in one hour, and in one sitting.  So, once you start the quiz, you must complete and submit it before logging off Blackboard.  Choose the best answer to each question.  Each response is worth 2 points.  If you have questions or technical problems, or you need additional time, please CALL me at 917.363.0063.  (Please do not email or text.)  Good luck!   KC

TRIP TODAY!! Th March 9 – walking tour of courts!

Good morning Students!  For today’s class we will take our walking tour of the courts near City Tech!  Please meet 10am sharp at the main entrance to the college, 300 Jay Street.  We will not be in the classroom today.  If you want to lock bags or anything in my office, you’re welcome to drop them off at N622 by about 9:45am.  I look forward to seeing you soon!


Don’t forget! Draft cover letter due 8am tomorrow!! (Tu Feb 28)

Hello Students!

I hope you enjoyed the weekend and your week has started well!  Just a reminder, please email your first draft cover letter to me as an attached Word document (not a link, please) by 8am tomorrow morning! (Tu Feb 28)  Then I will change the identifying information so we can all review them and comment on them together in class.  You may find some helpful suggestions in this article, which I’ll distribute in class tomorrow (and to which you’ll write a response, as noted in my other post this afternoon): “How to Write a Cover Letter People Will Actually Read.”

Have a pleasant evening, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning!


REPLY to this post by Wed March 1! Resume & cover letter guidance

Hello Students!

Here are a couple of interesting resources about preparing resumes and cover letters: “How to Write a Cover Letter People Will Actually Read” (NY Times) and “Resume Do’s & Don’ts 2023 Edition” (LlinkedIn).  You’ll get paper copies in class tomorrow (Tues Feb 28).  You don’t need to agree with everything in them!  There are lots of different views and approaches to resumes and cover letters, as we’ve seen and discussed.  But you might find some of the suggestions useful as you finalize your resume and cover letter, which final versions are due by the end of Thursday, March 2.

So . . . By the end of Wednesday, March 1, please read the articles and choose one suggestion from either of them that you find helpful, or interesting, or incorrect, or whatever!  Then please REPLY to this post with a few sentences in which you identify the suggestion you chose, and respond to it in some way, explaining why you agree, or disagree, or whatever.  Your classmates might find your responses useful for their own documents!
