Court observation

The date of the court observation was April 27th 2023.

The court we went to is U.S. District Court – Eastern District of New York. Located Downtown Brooklyn.

The proceeding was choose by Professor Coughlin

Name of the cases we saw was (USA V Acevedo) and (USA V Bellosi). In the USA V Acevedo case there was a witness talking on stand when we walked in about summer of 2019 and a shooting that had happened then due to shawny chain being snatched and we learned that after being killed, having your chain snatched is the second worst thing so there gang had to get back at the other gang for that to assert dominance. The lawyer was asking the witness a bunch of questions some personal and some general such as his cousin and did his cousin know about something and also a car accident that the witness had got into too. I found this case really interesting because it was like a New York celeb case so it felt really lowkey and something that you would see on tv or on the news. I was really intrigued to figure out why all those people faces was on the board and what happened to them and did Acevado kill them or not.

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