Timekeeping-Saturday, March 18, 2023 10am-2pm

Put away groceries that were delivered from Amazon -0.75

Chat with my mum -0.25

Chat with my sister-0.50

Work on my presentation for English Composition-0.50

Go over Midterm review for Philosophy-1.00

Prepared and ate lunch -0.50

Had a much deserved gin and tonic while I watched television-0.50

I thought this was going to be difficult, but it was actually kind of fun to do. Didn’t realize how long it took me to put away the groceries…lol My son and his dad always complain about how long it takes me, but I wipe everything down before I put it away.  I like to get my studying in early so I can then truly relax and indulge for the weekend.  I enjoyed this exercise!

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