Sana’s Timekeeping Post!

Monday, March 20

Today’s activities:

Prayed 5 prayers (Included washing up before every prayer, and reading Quran) = 1.00

Showered (Included brushing my hair, cleansing my face, and brushing my teeth) = 0.50

Went to Walgreens to grab medicine = 0.75

Took a midday nap = 0.75

Did a Perusall assignment for my English class ( had to annotate at least 4 comments on a play we are reading + make an entry in my writers journal) = 1.0

Study for my midterms ( 1101 and 1103 law midterms. Take notes and review all the notes and readings = 3.0

Todays activities occupied about 7 hours of my time. It was fun to keep track of my time I really got to see how much time it takes to do one simple thing and I was surprised we waste so much time doing basic things in our day to day life without realizing.

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