Claire’s Timekeeping Post

Calendar due dates; review course syllabi, Blackboard, and OpenLab to create list of upcoming due dates and strategize order of completing work – 0.25

Study for Civil Law and Procedure Midterm; using study guide from Blackboard, make new document complaining relevant notes – 0.75

Study for Intro to Paralegal Studies Midterm; using study guide class handout, make new document complaining relevant notes – 0.75

Make and eat lunch – 0.25

Read news and check social media – 0.25

Resume Studying for Intro to Paralegal Studies Midterm – 0.50

Read chapters 15-16 for Intro to Public Speaking and take both chapter quizzes – 0.75

Nap – 0.50

I thought this experience would be more tedious than I actually found it. I think it helped me stay a bit more on track than usual. I typically make a to-do list for the week or a given day I’ve devoted to studying, which helps me feel motivated as I check off boxes. But adding the element of recording time helped me to remember to take breaks and to focus on multiple courses rather than zoning in on just one.

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