Who I Am

Hello, fellow classmate, my name is Francisco Castillo.  I recently transferred to New York City College of Technology from John Jay college.  My purpose for enrolling in Law and paralegal studies at this school is the continue my dream of becoming an Attorney for the City of New York.  I plan to graduate from this college, I feel that this college will help me advance my studies in learning what a lawyer does for a living.  For example, the sort of laws that an attorney tends to specialize in, what is their role in the courtroom, etc.  New York City College of Technology classes intrigue me as well, I couldn’t believe the variety of courses the school has to offer.  Other than my education, I have other interests.  I love sports in general, I love to go to live sports events here and there.  I also enjoy going to the gym, it gives me the energy I need to get me through the day. Thank you for your time in reading this post, I’m excited for a great semester.

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