Law Office

I would like to work for the Criminal Defense Practice at The Legal Aid Society located at 111 Livingston St, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Alternatively I would like to work for the Manhattan location at 40 Worth St, New York, NY 10013. From what I know from attorneys who work for LAS, the office is large and paralegals and investigators have their own full-time desks located near the attorneys they work with. The Criminal Defense Practice focuses exclusively on representing indigent clients accused of committing crimes. One reason I feel passionate about this law office is because money and class should not act as a gate for our rights afforded by the constitution. In addition working alongside criminal defense attorneys helps me fight mass incarceration and protect some of the most vulnerable sectors of our population including low-income, queer, and people of color. The Legal Aid Society is a large law firm with multiple satellite offices in all 5 boroughs. Lastly I would feel secure working for Legal Aid because of their strong and prideful union culture for paralegals and investigators.

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