Time Keeping assignment

This is how I spent Sunday October 23 from 7am to 11am.

I woke up at 7am, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put on my outfit while checking the weather. -0.25

Headed to the gym( planet fitness) to release some endorphins because my day was going to be long. The gym is close to my house so I walk there. -0.25

Worked out. Danced and did some karaoke in my little corner because there weren’t a lot of people. Ended the workout with the stair master and some stretching.-1.25

walked back home to get ready for work. -0.25

Got home and started getting ready for work.(Took a shower, did my skincare routine and my hair, put on outfit, put a little makeup on and finally check the train schedule from the Bronx to Soho).- 1.0

Headed to the train station later than planned. I took the first train then found out the second train was delayed so I had to look for plan B. Figured out another way and got to work just in time . -0.75

Got to work and had a chat with my manager and co worker about an incident and mentally prepared for my 8hour shift. I then opened the door at exactly 11:00 am. -0.25

The helped me reflect on how my time management skills have improved. It showed me how to slow down sometimes because it seems like I’m always in a hurry but in all I would rate this experience an 8/10. I didn’t like jotting down my every move.



This is how I spent my day on Friday, October 21, 2022, from 7 PM-  12 PM

It was my birthday. I was getting ready for dinner, did my skincare, and put on my dry-cleaned formal outfit.-1.0

It took a while to get to Manhattan due to traffic, and finally, we came to our destination, Le Coucou, where we waited to be seated with our reservation.-0.50 

We Picked our food course and decided to go with 7 meal course, food kept coming and my family decided to experiment and try out new food such as escargot (Snail) and Les cuisses de Grenouille (Frog Leg), they all tasted like chicken surprise.-1.0 

It took a while for us to finish our entire 7-course meal. We waited for our desserts and came in singing “Happy Birthday Shamir” randomly, and I was caught in shock. Awaited was a beautiful chocolate mousse cake for all of us to devour.-1.0  

We cut the cake and enjoyed ourselves. We paid the bill for our fantastic service for the night and started to get ready to depart back home.-0.25

We waited for the valet for our vehicle. There wasn’t any traffic this time, so the home route was concise.-0.25

I arrived home and waited for another surprise. It was a baby kitten. So now I have a cat. It was truly an amazing gift, and I opened my other stuff, and I truly appreciate my family for this moment.-0.50

We all changed into comfortable clothing and decided to end our night by watching a horror movie and monitoring the baby kitten, who was only 3 weeks old. The best night of my life!-0.50

It was an eventful day. I turned 20 years old, and it’s such a scary thought. I reflected on so much of my life yet to date and set myself new goals in life to accomplish and to become more self-sufficient. This assignment is a great example to use as a template. It organizes time so well, and that is a major skill asset required to be an attorney or paralegal in the future; it helps with clients, evidence, research, and analytical problems.


how is spent my day on Monday,October 24th, 2022, from 5-9

Catch up on my ela homework -1.0

Studied for my math test-1.0

Organize my closet-0.75

Went to the beauty supply store to get hair cream-0.25

Made a salad-0.25

got ready for a night out in the city-1.0

This assignment was great since it helped me stay focused on what I was doing.




Sunday activities I engaged in, 10/23/22, 9:00AM-10:00PM

Wake up look at my phone to check my email, text message0.25

Did some yoga-0.25

I do my morning daily routine eat breakfast while watching Law In Order -0.50

cleaning the house  organize everything in place -1.0

after cook dimer for the family-1.75

wash the dishes -0.50

Do the laundry – 1.0

Take a break -1.0

Do my homework after the break -1.75

Study for my civil law class midterm -1.0

Went to church -1.75

Reaction:Overall, my weekends are the hardest, but I manage to make them work. This assignment helped me realize that I have a lot on my plate and need to maintain tabs on my daily life.




This is how is spent my day on Friday, October 21, 2022, from 8 am- 12 pm

  • Got out of bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got dressed-1.0
  • Made breakfast (egg sandwich with avocado) and ate it-0.75
  • Started to do some homework-1.0
  • Talked on the phone with my boyfriend for -1.0
  • Headed to the bus stop- 0.25
  • Took the bus to my job-0.50

I really liked this assignment a lot because it kept me focused on the task I was doing. When I start doing tasks, I feel like I’m on autopilot, so I don’t really pay attention to the task I’m doing. Doing this assignment, I was forced to focus on what I was doing. Time flies by fast so I try to be productive as possible with the little time I must do assignments before work.


How I spent my day Sunday, October 23,2022, 8:00AM-5:00PM

Woke up and got myself out of bed. -.25

Went to the bathroom to shower, brush teeth, do skincare. -1.0

Got ready for work. (put lotion, deodorant, face cream, lip balm on, Got dressed, did my hair, etc.) -.75

DoorDashed some McDonald’s breakfast and watched YouTube (Hailey Elizabeth) while I ate. -.50

Left out and walked to work. -25

Got to work, it was pretty slow so started on small restock. -.50

Started getting busy (Sunday brunch) so got back to actually working. -1.0

Still busy. -1.0

Still busy but switched tasks with my coworker. -1.0

Slowed down a little because of the rain so I started cleaning up and getting everything organized. -.50

Did another restock. -.50

Got busy again so got back to that. -1.0

Finally got my break got to eat and chill for like 30. -.50

This was pretty fun. It was nice to log my day. I chose to do 9 hours instead of 4 because I was pretty much just working for 5 of them before my break and then I just worked more after my break. I would probably like to do this again but maybe for like after work or a day where I don’t work.


Time Keeping Assignment

How I spent Friday, 10-21-2022 from 12:00 – 4:00

Made and ate scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and turkey bacon. -0.50  

Got ready to go wash laundry -0.50 

I walked to Harlem Spin City Laundromat and put blankets, comforters, and other bedding to wash. -0.25  

While waiting comfortably (was the only person inside) for things to wash was on phone -0.50 

Took the bedding out of the washers put them into the dryers and waited -0.50 

Took everything out of the dryers folded it all bagged it and put it in my cart. -0.25 

I walked home and lifted everything upstairs -0.25 

Organized and put everything away -0.25 

Made burgers for family and me  -0.50

Hopped on PlayStation -0.50 

This task was fun because I never really pay attention to time so I felt more in control/conscious of what I spend my time on. Also, it was very informative because it showed me I don’t have to procrastinate to do homework since I don’t procrastinate for anything else like; chores making time for people, or hobbies. Furthermore, this showed me I should attempt to do school-related things more often and earlier in the day by thinking of them as something I don’t procrastinate at or a chore. 

Timekeeping Assignment

This is how I spent my day on Sunday, October 23, 2022 from 11am – 3pm.


Woke up, got ready and had breakfast – 1.0

Organized Google calendar, Google Keep, Google docs, and Notion (reorganized classwork and homework, classes, and important dates)  – 2.0

Watched YouTube and spent time on social media – 1.0


Reaction: Although I didn’t do much, while doing these things, it felt like much more than four hours had passed. Organizing my things felt even longer than two hours, but I did get a lot of work done during that time. Overall, I liked this assignment but it was a very slow day so I didn’t have much to do. I do want to start doing this in my day to day life though, I feel like it would help me become more organized and help give a sense that I have my life somewhat together. 

Timekeeping Asignment


.25- Driving to the gym (Taking Cross Island Expressway and Northern Boulevard)

1.0- Leg day at the gym. (Leg Press, Leg Extensions, Calf extensions)

.25- Cardio at the gym( Running on the treadmill)

.25- Stretching

.25- Driving back home (Nothern Boulevard and Cross Island Expressway)

.50- Studying for math and Civil Procedure midterm. (Rational expressions and Class action lawsuits)

.50- Driving to lunch (Bayside Diner) (taking Northern Boulevard)

.75- Eating lunch at the diner with my uncle and cousin (Bayside DIner)

.35- Driving back home (Taking Northern Boulevard)

This assignment has given me a different perspective on how time goes on. While my activities made up 4 hours of my day, it really did feel like time flew. It showed me that we really don’t have much time to do the stuff we love before the day ends. I picked Sunday to record my day because I knew that I had the most activities planned, but I felt like I needed to spend more time on studying and other education-related activities. In conclusion, I felt like it was a great assignment to really gain insight on what I did on a day-to-day basis and it gives me more motivation to use my time more wisely.

Time Keeping assignment

How I spent my day yesterday October 22, 2022 from 1:30 to 6:30

I cleaned me and my little sisters room – 0.25 (Folding blankets, fixing pillows, organizing)

Started using my phone – 2.0

Checking school email and blackboard to see what assignments I should complete – 0.25

Helped cook lunch for me and my family – 1.50  (Preparing ingredients 0.25, cutting vegetables 0.25, cooking the meal 0.75, and serving the food 0.25)

Began doing my Homework – 1.75 

Reaction: Overall it was a calm day. I think this assignment helps you create a schedule for yourself, once you finish a task, you think about what other things you plan on doing. It keeps you organized which is helpful when wanting to be productive.