Quiz #1 grades & key posted!

Hello Students!

I hope you’re enjoying this late-summer heat!  I have posted your grades for quiz #1 (mostly great!) in the GradeBook here on OL, and I posted the answer key under “Class notes & materials.”

Just a reminder — before the start of tomorrow’s class, please email your revised resume to me (as an attached Word document, NOT a link please!).  Please also review textbook pp. 41-44 and the sample cover letters posted in the “Assignments” in prep for our discussion of them tomorrow!

Have a pleasant evening!


Resumes posted!

Hello Students!

Great work today providing comments on each other’s resumes!  I hope everyone found our discussion useful.  I’ve posted all the resumes we reviewed in “Class notes & materials” under today’s notes.

Please use what you learned in today’s discussion, from the many samples we’ve reviewed, and information in ch. 2, to revise and improve your draft resume.  Then please email your revised resume as an attached Word document (not a link!) to me before the start of class on Tuesday, Sept. 20.  Here are a few reminders:

  • List education and work experience in reverse chronological order (from most to least recent).
  • PROOFREAD!!  Your resume should not have any errors.
  • Always be TRUTHFUL!  Don’t say anything that is untrue, even if you think it will help you get the job.  You are impressive enough!  You just need to express it effectively.

I really look forward to reading your revised resumes!  I will email comments to each of you that you can incorporate into your final resume, which will be graded according to the rubric in the assignment.

Have a terrific weekend!


Reminders for tomorrow’s class! Tu Sept 13

Hello Students!  I hope you all enjoyed the weekend.  Just a reminder, in tomorrow’s class, we’ll start preparing your resumes and cover letters to use to apply for paralegal positions!  In preparation, please read textbook ch. 2 pp. 38-52, and please review the actual student resumes posted on the “Assignments” page.  As you read the resumes, please consider (1) what you like about each of them, (2) what you think could be better, and (3) questions you have!  We’ll discuss those items during class.  Before tomorrow’s class, please also reply to a fellow student’s “Who I Am” post!  Here are instructions for replying. 

A couple of reminders for Thursday, Sept. 15: your first draft resume is due by email 8am; we’ll take Quiz #1 on chs. 1 & 2 at the start of class; and your “Law in Culture” source is due here on OL by the end of the day!  Here’s that assignment.

Enjoy the rest of today, see you tomorrow!



NO class tomorrow! Tu. Sept. 6

Hello Students!

Happy Labor Day!  I hope you’re enjoying the long holiday weekend.  I’m sorry to interrupt it!  I just wanted to remind you that we will NOT meet for class tomorrow (Tu. Sept. 6).  You have an assignment due by the end of tomorrow, which many of you have already done — thank you!  If not, please write your “Who I Am” post here on OpenLab, describing why you are in the Law and Paralegal Studies program (goals, interests, plans, etc.) and something(s) about you, as a person, that you want your classmates to know!

On Th. Sept. 8 we WILL meet for class as usual.  In prep for that class, please read ch. 2 pp. 20-31, and by 8am Thursday, please write a post here on OL describing a NYC law office where you might like to work!  Details on all of these assignments are in the “Assignments!” tab.

Enjoy the rest of this Labor Day, have a good start to your week, see you Thursday!


WELCOME! to Intro to Paralegal Studies!!

WELCOME! to LAW 1101 Intro to Paralegal Studies, and our course OpenLab site!  I hope you find this site useful and maybe even a little bit fun. 🙂  Please poke around and check out the tabs above, especially “Assignments” and “Class notes & materials” where you’ll find particularly helpful information!

I look forward to a terrific semester with you!


Prof. C.