Time Keeping Assignment

How I spent Friday, 10-21-2022 from 12:00 – 4:00

Made and ate scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and turkey bacon. -0.50  

Got ready to go wash laundry -0.50 

I walked to Harlem Spin City Laundromat and put blankets, comforters, and other bedding to wash. -0.25  

While waiting comfortably (was the only person inside) for things to wash was on phone -0.50 

Took the bedding out of the washers put them into the dryers and waited -0.50 

Took everything out of the dryers folded it all bagged it and put it in my cart. -0.25 

I walked home and lifted everything upstairs -0.25 

Organized and put everything away -0.25 

Made burgers for family and me  -0.50

Hopped on PlayStation -0.50 

This task was fun because I never really pay attention to time so I felt more in control/conscious of what I spend my time on. Also, it was very informative because it showed me I don’t have to procrastinate to do homework since I don’t procrastinate for anything else like; chores making time for people, or hobbies. Furthermore, this showed me I should attempt to do school-related things more often and earlier in the day by thinking of them as something I don’t procrastinate at or a chore. 

Where do you want to work?

I chose to work at New York County Defender Services located at 100 William St, New York, NY 10038. NYCDS is a large criminal defense firm, and since it is a larger firm I’ll have specific well-defined tasks. I believe NYCDS reflects the diversity of the city through their staff and also because they speak more than 20 languages. Furthermore, their re-entry social workers help clients who are returning home from jail or prison to find employment and access educational opportunities. Lastly NYCDS advocates for an end to mass incarceration, biased policing, and disinvestment in communities of color.



Who I Am!

Hello, I am Elias Marmolejos, growing up I would get in trouble for a lot of things in school which lead me to get called to the office and phone calls home. I’m not saying I was innocent of everything I was accused of but there were times when I was innocent. During these times I would have to prove my innocence to not only teachers and vice principals but to my parents. As a kid who wasn’t vocal and was quiet would completely change once someone had done me wrong, I would prove my innocence by bringing out friends as witnesses and using bathroom sign-out sheets as evidence. Even though I’m still not sure what I want to do in the future since I still am that kid I’ve decided to go into law and paralegal studies.

I spent my summer playing basketball and spending time with family, nothing major happened during my summer but overall it was decent.