Time Keeping assignment

This is how I spent Sunday October 23 from 7am to 11am.

I woke up at 7am, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put on my outfit while checking the weather. -0.25

Headed to the gym( planet fitness) to release some endorphins because my day was going to be long. The gym is close to my house so I walk there. -0.25

Worked out. Danced and did some karaoke in my little corner because there weren’t a lot of people. Ended the workout with the stair master and some stretching.-1.25

walked back home to get ready for work. -0.25

Got home and started getting ready for work.(Took a shower, did my skincare routine and my hair, put on outfit, put a little makeup on and finally check the train schedule from the Bronx to Soho).- 1.0

Headed to the train station later than planned. I took the first train then found out the second train was delayed so I had to look for plan B. Figured out another way and got to work just in time . -0.75

Got to work and had a chat with my manager and co worker about an incident and mentally prepared for my 8hour shift. I then opened the door at exactly 11:00 am. -0.25

The helped me reflect on how my time management skills have improved. It showed me how to slow down sometimes because it seems like I’m always in a hurry but in all I would rate this experience an 8/10. I didn’t like jotting down my every move.


Law in culture

The show I chose is called “Suits”. Suits is an American legal drama series created by Aaron Korsh which premiered on June 23, 2011. It has 9 seasons. You can watch it on Amazon prime video, YouTube and peacock. The show is fictional and based on a New York law firm.we get to see how a law office functions and how the different roles such as lawyers, paralegals and legal secretaries  come into play. It’s centered on a college dropout working side by side with one of the best lawyers in the city while keeping his background a secret from everyone. I’ve always wanted to watch it and I’ll keep y’all updated.

Who I Am

Hi, I’m Maureen Okyere not o-kee-rie but au-che-rie. I grew up in Minnesota and I’m what one would call an acquired taste. I’ve lived in Minnesota, Texas, and New York and traveled to Canada and Ghana.  I’m majoring in law and paralegal studies because I want to become a lawyer someday. I discovered my love for law in high school when started advocating for myself and the people around me so I became president of my school’s Student Government. Unlike my peers, I wanted to become a doctor when I was younger, preferably a surgeon or a forensic anthropologist because I wanted to help people and also liked fixing things. I know that sounds weird. I loved science and everything about the human body. Growing up I watched shows like Bones, Law and order(SVU duhhh), Grey’s Anatomy, Castle, True Crime, and Rizzoli & Isles. It’s cool on TV but not in real life. The older I got I started liking new things. I still love science, and history, reading certain books, Listening to music, singing, free writing, and other things.